Winter Light Comments

  • Edmond 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    In the darkness when the faith finally collapsed, a beam of [Winter Light] suddenly illuminated the priest's face. Ah! God is not love, love is not God, doubt is. When the bell rang at the end, the heroine knelt down and prayed for even a little bit of faith, and it was hard not to be moved. This is a human being, struggling to find light in doubts. Bergman not only used his superb language, but also used his silence to easily destroy me. That is the silence of...

  • Bobby 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    Bergman has separated himself from an old concept of God, but what is the new belief? How is it different from believing in...

  • Melba 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    The second chapter of the "Inspiration of God" trilogy. 1. The style is minimalist and simple, with exquisite lighting, focusing on still shots and small scenes, and the camera's focus on human faces remains the same as before. 2. The indifferent, alienated, arrogant, and shaky pastor can't solve the problems of suffering and life and death (anxiety caused by China's upcoming nuclear bomb), nor can he accept Marta's love for herself. 3. At the end of the movie, the church secretary admitted to...

  • Mary 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    The dialogue is really well written. Two great passages: Ms. Lundberg reads the letter, facing the camera and it is difficult to escape; the priest and Lundberg parked in front of the railroad tracks. The priest said that his parents expected him to become a priest. At this time, the train was spraying steam, and he went forward without looking back. Drive...

  • April 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    1. The winter light is bright but pale and feeble, and although it still has heat, it cannot warm people's hearts; 2. God is love. If you lose your love, is the God in your heart still there? Faith is shaken, in an anxious world, God is...

  • Toney 2022-03-18 09:01:05

    In the spring of 1961, Bergman read an article in the newspaper saying that the Soviet Union's most feared country was China instead of the United States, and he began to worry that China's regimental regime would easily launch a nuclear war. In fact, Bergman did not care much about world politics. Sweden also adopted an armed-neutral foreign policy at the time. Compared with nuclear deterrence, the country’s increasingly secularization, technological modernization, and economic globalization...

  • Jerald 2022-03-18 09:01:05

    The woman who loved the pastor gave me the illusion that no one but the pastor could see...

  • Jayde 2022-03-17 09:01:06

    Another 90-minute theology-this is really theological, the protagonist is vicar, half of the dialogue is about theology; one person finally gives up from the torment of faith and doubt, one person catches from the desolation of winter Living in faith (the desire to live for others in existentialism, the desire to establish the meaning of oneself outside of oneself), faith and unbelief are the winter light that penetrates the suffering of the soul, cold and dazzling,...

  • Sam 2022-03-17 09:01:06

    The winter light is full of fear and anxiety, but there is no trace of love at all. For the first time, we see the clues of mutually exclusive relationships between people. The lover said that the biggest problem with the pastor is "indifference to Christ." He can't even convince others, just a form of persistence, but the final result is tragic: no one in the church is even willing to pretend anymore, and hatred is everywhere. Where can faith be placed all over the world (China’s atomic...

  • Lela 2022-03-16 09:01:06

    It is impossible to cross people and yourself, the whole process is collapse and self-doubt. Is the "Silence of God" trilogy a trilogy of "God can also see and sleep"? Slow speech + clock ticking is a hypnotic weapon, there will be snoring in the first fifteen minutes:) (Northern Film Festival...

Extended Reading

Winter Light quotes

  • Tomas Ericsson, Pastor: I don't want you. Did you hear that?

    Märta Lundberg, Schoolteacher: Yes. Of course, I did.

    Tomas Ericsson, Pastor: I'm tired of your loving care. Your fussing. Your good advice. Your candlesticks and table runners. I'm fed up with your shortsightedness. Your clumsy hands. Your anxiousness. Your timid displays of affection. You force me to occupy myself with your physical condition. Your poor digestion. Your rashes. Your periods. Your frostbitten cheeks. Once and for all I have to escape this junkyard of idiotic trivialities. I'm sick and tired of it all, of everything to do with you.

    Märta Lundberg, Schoolteacher: Why didn't you tell me this before?

    Tomas Ericsson, Pastor: Because of my upbringing. I was taught to regard women as beings of a higher order. Admirable creatures, unassailable martyrs.

  • Tomas Ericsson, Pastor: I don't love you, because I love my wife. When she died, so did I. I don't care less what happens to me. Am I making myself clear? I loved her and she was everything you could never be, but insist on trying to be. The way you mimic her behavior is such an ugly parody.

    Märta Lundberg, Schoolteacher: I didn't even know her.

    Tomas Ericsson, Pastor: I'd better be going - before I spout even worse bits of senseless drivel.

    Märta Lundberg, Schoolteacher: Could it get any worse?