Winter Light Comments

  • Darlene 2022-03-21 09:02:47

    One of the most self-justified points of the Bible is that you will have any confusion, suffering, and questioning God. It has already included it. It leads you as a mentor and an elder but does not give a clear answer because it is specific to the psychology of each person. We still have to rely on ourselves. What we know is that if a person is selfish and has no dedication and does not know how to love, then not only will he not believe in God, he will also not have any faith in his...

  • Darby 2022-03-21 09:02:47

    4 and a half stars, weak faith, more religious than "Still in the Mirror", more gloomy and closed, Bergman pondered and questioned the theory "God exists in love" in his previous film. , or even overthrow. I can personally feel the pessimism and despair over the collapse of belief and the departure of people. Although at the end, the theory and belief that "God exists" is still maintained, but it is already crumbling and needs to be...

  • Lottie 2022-03-21 09:02:47

    1963, Bergman. The second part of the trilogy of silence, watching crying has been reluctant to mark it. You have created my strong body and experience, but you have never given me a mission worthy of my strength/That is his greatest pain, Lord's silence. /(Pastor vs. Female Teacher)/Every time I hate you, I try to turn it into compassion, which you can't do/Being allowed to live for someone, it's hard.

  • Gudrun 2022-03-21 09:02:47

    When faith is shaken, minds questioned, and God silent? Faith has never been silent and unwavering, abandoned and sought after. So, Lord, when will I be free from the coldness of winter? The woman who fell in love with the pastor was very moved when she told...

  • Quinn 2022-03-21 09:02:47

    Rewatch; close-up shot at around 43 minutes, the winter light that leaked in after the belief was shattered became exceptionally bright, with the winter rain and layers of white snow, which contrasted the cold mood and the indifference of God. Lord, why did you abandon me? This unsolved problem is the reason why I have always stayed away from...

  • Esmeralda 2022-03-20 09:02:24

    God’s language is silence. I think in fact, people are not talking to God, but to themselves; everyone is talking to you, either by God’s will, or simply by their own imagination; and these conversations all happen in Faro....

  • Joesph 2022-03-20 09:02:24

    God is silent. He does not show the way for those who believe in him. He always compensates through miracles after things happen. If we believe in the existence of God, faith is a painful thing. The suicide of fishermen represents the paleness of hope, and faith is a heavy burden. Bergman destroyed the concept that God represents security and God is love. Such an image of God is merely a psychological projection of human beings and should be revolutionized and...

  • Pedro 2022-03-20 09:02:24

    #重看#Classical, concise, silent and solemn, Delaire and Bresson are faintly visible; the glimmer of winter is bleak and thin, just like the precariousness of faith, the change of light and refraction link psychological changes; the composition and the lens are very neat, and the priest Profession and church atmosphere fit; he is always writing about the alienation of family affection and the questioning of divinity, and the shadow of his father is like a life of snow in...

  • Janiya 2022-03-20 09:02:24

    Still in the mirror saying that God is love, this love and faith are no longer. The priest said that I understand your pain, but life must go on, Jonas asked why it must go on. Those who have been cast aside by faith have no answer to faith. Without faith, religion returns to its role in moral model, code of conduct, and method of enduring suffering. At this point, religion has...

  • Jane 2022-03-20 09:02:24

    The more solemn the religious ceremony, the more obvious the small movements of the participants. After that, for most of the time, there were almost only large paragraphs of lines and texts, lacking body language and expressions, and even the camera did not move. Paradoxically, photography without moving the lens is widely praised (it is undeniable that the use of light is indeed a bright spot). In such a film of only 81 minutes but obscured by the story, Bergman is using the film to make...

Extended Reading

Winter Light quotes

  • Tomas Ericsson, Pastor: I don't want you. Did you hear that?

    Märta Lundberg, Schoolteacher: Yes. Of course, I did.

    Tomas Ericsson, Pastor: I'm tired of your loving care. Your fussing. Your good advice. Your candlesticks and table runners. I'm fed up with your shortsightedness. Your clumsy hands. Your anxiousness. Your timid displays of affection. You force me to occupy myself with your physical condition. Your poor digestion. Your rashes. Your periods. Your frostbitten cheeks. Once and for all I have to escape this junkyard of idiotic trivialities. I'm sick and tired of it all, of everything to do with you.

    Märta Lundberg, Schoolteacher: Why didn't you tell me this before?

    Tomas Ericsson, Pastor: Because of my upbringing. I was taught to regard women as beings of a higher order. Admirable creatures, unassailable martyrs.

  • Tomas Ericsson, Pastor: I don't love you, because I love my wife. When she died, so did I. I don't care less what happens to me. Am I making myself clear? I loved her and she was everything you could never be, but insist on trying to be. The way you mimic her behavior is such an ugly parody.

    Märta Lundberg, Schoolteacher: I didn't even know her.

    Tomas Ericsson, Pastor: I'd better be going - before I spout even worse bits of senseless drivel.

    Märta Lundberg, Schoolteacher: Could it get any worse?