Wine Country Comments

  • Zion 2022-10-20 10:46:42

    Warm and funny~ I thought the cast's funny way would be as exaggerated as "Bridesmaids", but I didn't expect it to be very reserved and...

  • Chesley 2022-10-20 10:29:43

    In fact, the laughter is lackluster. But this is the story of 50+ women: dull, sad, self-deprecating and hopeful. This movie should be seen by women of a certain age (preferably over 35). The friendship of these American female comedians off-screen is even more...

Extended Reading

Wine Country quotes

  • Jade: We get famous people in here all the time. Do you know who was in here last week?

    Rebecca: Who?

    Jade: Future.

    Rebecca: Wait. Did I just miss a bunch of words?

    Val: Future? Is the Past coming next week?

  • Val: Is a flower in the hair too much for solo dining? I need to get out and take my new knees for a spin.