Wind River Comments

  • Sandra 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    When I bought a ticket to enter the venue, the old lady who checked the ticket said to me: "It's a good one". After watching the appearance, I walked to the exit and said "Indeed" to her. The very rough but real style, the despair of the wild land, permeates the story and characters, making it unbearable. Lived in Utah for two years, the real Indian reservation...

  • Jane 2022-04-23 07:01:39

    @xining opening. It was an abridged version of the incomprehensible. A few jumps out, headless. The love line is like chicken ribs, the "mystery" temperament of the case itself is unsustainable, and it is too easy to ask and answer oneself. . . everything is...

  • Tyrese 2022-04-23 07:01:39

    The script is still excellent. The trilogy, from Mexico City to the Midwest to the Indian Icefields, is indeed as written as ever. Some of the dialogues are too much, but the photography is not as good as...

  • Kyra 2022-04-23 07:01:39

    I really like the hysteresis of the characters’ emotions in the film, that is, they don’t give emotional feedback at the moment, but at a certain moment later, they suddenly collapse for no reason, but they can connect the audience to the previous trigger point. The FBI agent knocking on the door is also ingenious. The flashback narrative is completed while the viewpoint is switched, which not only realizes the historical explanation on the narrative line, but also creates a sense of suspense...

  • Flavio 2022-03-26 09:01:04

    If you want to learn about modern American history, then I would definitely recommend Sheridan's Frontier trilogy. From the "getting along" with neighboring countries in "Border Slayer" to the anger and grief of the bottom whites in "Through Water and Fire", and finally to the Indians in "Wind River Valley" who have not found their identity after hundreds of years, the experience of these special marginal groups is Today, the United States has not wanted to ask but inescapable questions. The...

  • Maggie 2022-03-25 09:01:06

    No matter how thick the snow is, it can't cover the...

  • Kurtis 2022-03-25 09:01:06

    The identity has been changed from a screenwriter to a director, and his distinctive personal style has not changed at all. It seems difficult to tell who is the protagonist in the absolute sense of the film, but the extremely sinister environment always plays a more important role. It seems to overlook all living beings living in it from the perspective of God, watching the alienation of their personalities, and occasionally showing a trace of compassion, dedicated to those humble helpless and...

  • Jana 2022-03-25 09:01:06

    American Indian women are not counted in the missing count - the end credits hold up the plot. The framework of a suspense film, the kernel of a revenge film (starting with flashbacks). The opening is very similar to "Frozen", but it is more depressing. The selling point is the almost anarchic status quo of the Indian reservation covered by heavy snow (the female FBI wants the forensic doctor to report the murder or the federation will not care), and the revenge plot is reasonable. The gunfight...

  • Gabe 2022-03-25 09:01:06

    1. A barbaric story on the Borderlands, a bloody journey in the frozen land. 2. The emptiness, confusion, depravity and hopeless life of the marginalized groups in the Indian reserve are set against the difficult struggle between man and nature. The girl who died by running barefoot for 10 kilometers in the snow at -20°C at night, accompanied by the recitation of ironic and beautiful poems, turned into a poignant and icy metaphor. 3. Taylor Sheridan's first director is so amazing, and inherits...

  • Leonard 2022-03-25 09:01:06

    Finished watching it on the return flight....

Extended Reading

Wind River quotes

  • Jane Banner: How far do you think someone can run barefoot out here?

    Cory Lambert: Oh, I don't know. How to gauge someone's will to live? Especially in these conditions. But I knew that girl. She was a fighter. So no matter how far you think she ran... I can guarantee you she ran farther.

  • Evan: What the fuck are you doing? Why you flanking me?