Wind River Comments

  • Sammy 2023-01-12 17:06:56

    Shortlisted for a concern in Cannes, the unexpected narrative and the cruel truth peeled off layer by layer make people feel hearty and refreshing, looking forward to domestic...

  • Karlie 2023-01-02 21:46:48

    Solid, cold and warm, it is more aggressive than the style of "Border Slayer", and the emotions are restrained enough. As a screenwriter-turned-director's debut, from the wolves in "Border Slayer" to the "law of the jungle" in this film, the screenwriter's authorship is very obvious, but the director's style is not outstanding, whether it is from the lens, rhythm or scene scheduling, It's like a Villeneuve...

  • Geraldine 2022-12-10 05:52:46

    The ice-filled version of "Blood and Ice" is less absurd and more ruthless. In this land of poetry and violence, the snow can cleanse the sins, but it can't hide the...

  • Tremaine 2022-11-23 07:46:40

    It is the greatest misfortune to live with a bunch of ridiculous people in this world. You deserve your sins, and you deserve your death. Only in this primitive way can revenge. It's a bit bloody and violent, but the reality is crueler than the...

  • Colleen 2022-11-18 17:20:27

    As expected of the eagle's eye...

  • Lura 2022-11-10 16:58:37

    Full of "political correctness": The suffering of the Indians is ultimately caused by the whites, but the Indians still have to rely on the humanitarianism and sense of responsibility of the whites to save them. The hope of Indian women is white men, and the culprit rapists are...

  • Rowena 2022-10-31 09:16:57

    Sheridan's standard as a screenwriter is really high, and it's not enough until he leaves a sentence; the land of bitter cold is silent and ubiquitous like another protagonist, and the survival and killing, evil and kindness in the reserved area are not known to outsiders, outsiders Unmoved, a sense of fateful...

  • Adrain 2022-09-28 11:32:20

    Depression and resentment, there is no end of the heart of the Virgin Mary I can't live with this kind of...

  • Chelsea 2022-09-15 08:18:58

    The ending is really, really abrupt... If the Daxing'anling murder incident can be filmed, I hope it can be filmed in such a...

  • Branson 2022-09-08 16:43:16

    An extremely unsuccessful anti-routine attempt, the first half dragged and the second half collapsed. It should be a shame for a screenwriter to write such a script for a movie he...

Extended Reading

Wind River quotes

  • Jane Banner: How far do you think someone can run barefoot out here?

    Cory Lambert: Oh, I don't know. How to gauge someone's will to live? Especially in these conditions. But I knew that girl. She was a fighter. So no matter how far you think she ran... I can guarantee you she ran farther.

  • Evan: What the fuck are you doing? Why you flanking me?