Win Win Comments

  • Freda 2022-04-22 07:01:40

    nonymous 2011-09-03 Removed the preaching desire in the second half of the Visitor, and kept the pure McCarthy style, an imperfect world with both coldness and warmth. The encounters of strangers are full of unknowns, which give life to countless interesting possibilities. In McCarthy's play, the plot seems to be smaller than the characters, but in fact, let the characters interact and collide, thus supporting the overall tension and promoting the development of the story. The high degree of...

  • Mireille 2022-04-22 07:01:40

    Human nature is sincere, warm-blooded and conscience, I think it is far better than the blind side. Alex Shaffer is so promising. The kid's freaking...

  • Thelma 2022-04-22 07:01:40

    In 2011's "Weakness", although the middle part is still wonderful, the first half is too bland, and the ending is too...

  • Timothy 2022-04-22 07:01:40

    Warm movie, the male lead is very cute! Another great movie to watch on the...

  • Alex 2022-04-21 09:02:50

    This kid's hair color is so pretty, I like it so much hahaha. He looks so warm, I didn't expect him to be a wrestler. ....

  • Shaun 2022-04-21 09:02:50

    Ouch hello. I really like this Paul Giamatti. It looks good wherever you put it, how comfortable it is. This kind of acting can't be seen to be called real acting! The goldfish glasses, the half bald scoop, the big belly. It's more and more attractive to...

  • Frances 2022-04-21 09:02:50

    The drama starring Paul Giamatti, the characters are believable and...

  • Lee 2022-04-21 09:02:50

    The National when the subtitles start to climb is also a...

  • Alberto 2022-04-21 09:02:50

    1. When Giamatti met McCarthy. 2, small fresh, long time no...

  • Sigrid 2022-04-21 09:02:50

    Men have to dare to take on the role of Mike and finally being a bartender was...

Extended Reading

Win Win quotes

  • Stemler: Yo, what up, Pancake?

    Rew: Shut the hell up, Chewbacca!

  • Abby: Where's Daddy?

    Jackie Flaherty: He's running.

    Abby: From what?