Who's Singin' Over There? Comments

  • Rosalind 2022-10-31 15:15:21

    Singing from the front just feels funny to singing more and more in the back and weeping with blood, "singing everything in a soft voice with sadness is just a dream" The travel that seems to have nothing to do with the war is actually affected by the war...

  • Cortez 2022-10-16 23:30:24

    The first film in the history of the former South, a tragicomedy of the history of national suffering with internal and external troubles, there are internal suspicions, lies, struggles and divisions under the cannonballs. It's all in the chanted song: I've been so unfortunate since childhood. Sing aloud with my pain. Oh mother, how I wish it was just a...

  • Jimmie 2022-10-16 19:40:29

    Unlimited respect for this movie, full marks, no need for any hesitation. It is less than an hour and a half, but one hour of space can bring tears to laughter, but at the end, it is really tears, why are we still fighting within ourselves when the country is in crisis. A really good comedy is a tragedy at its...

  • Janice 2022-10-16 19:15:16

    [May 24, 2019 - China Film Archive - "Serbian Film Festival" Opening Event - 2017 Restoration Edition] "No. 1 in the film history of the former Yugoslavia", "Road God Film", worthy of the name. The richness of the text, the depth of its meaning, is definitely an overlooked masterpiece. In the tragicomedy of the 1941 period, the character settings of singers, veterans, newlyweds, patients, priests, traitors, etc. fully express the historical background, and the settings of various bridges are...

  • Lela 2022-10-16 17:04:24

    I laughed and watched the whole movie, and at the end I couldn't help crying when I heard the tune of the two wanderers sang throughout. Sure enough, "the country broke the movie", the city of Belgrade, how much suffering it has endured. The whole tone is indeed similar to "Underground". I am very happy that I finally stopped the director of the Serbian Film Archive and asked my question. He said that he wanted to bring the best films to Chinese audiences. The Serbian Film Festival at the...

  • Cheyenne 2022-10-16 16:54:50

    #DocumentaryPhoto###Serbian Film Festival# When I watch "Underground", I do have a feeling of "tragicomedy". "No. 1 in Serbian film history" is also called "tragicomedy", but I still don't agree with it. The meaning of irony and banter from beginning to end is even greater. The absurd plots are one after another. Authentic black humor road movies, all kinds of nonsensical jokes from beginning to end, borrowed The tragic shell of "Ball of Suet" is essentially the black humor of Billy Wilder's...

  • Nigel 2022-10-16 10:36:02

    4.5 There are multiple angles of interpretation. Under the surface of this tragicomedy of the petty citizens, it is not difficult to see the references and metaphors to the political power, to the class, to the nation, and even to human nature (mentally handicapped helmsman? Hypocritical Taoist? Neglected? the underlying "patient"?  …). Characters have their own characteristics, humorous yet...