Who's Singin' Over There? Comments

  • Misty 2023-05-12 02:07:28

    After reading the absurd things they said for a long time, some people mentioned Javier and some people mentioned Beckett. I think the meaning of joking is mostly, and when it rises, it is pretended. ....

  • Maribel 2023-04-19 06:45:08

    Yugoslavia in the middle of the empire, an eternal song of sorrow and...

  • Dandre 2023-04-17 15:02:21

    A little bit more serious or a little bit more presumptuous is a...

  • Sandy 2023-03-28 04:23:24

    A national dirge, sung especially by the...

  • Rupert 2023-03-18 03:14:41

    Constructed around the Buñuel-style absurd comedy of "The Unfinished Act" (journey), "Who Sings There" reflects the collective, grand history of Yugoslavia through the cramped space of the bus, and it does not want the film's On the surface, what "breaks into" the narrative in the middle and second half of the film has always existed in the conflict between passengers and passengers in the film. The sound, the jumping, the hilarious soundtrack to some extent actually participates in the...

  • Peter 2023-03-07 09:01:40

    A gypsy singer with a lovely voice and a clear mind, summed up in one sentence: Live with optimism and die with...

  • Ellen 2023-03-06 09:04:29

    926089E2B86D9D893BE1B003B7F9E09D6F09BBFC D49D4C1ADF7366326247EB1E13445AF0A4AC607F

  • Carmelo 2023-03-05 07:37:55

    There is a kind of bullshit called...

  • Josefa 2023-02-18 21:29:24

    The first day of the cinema's comeback. Before the screening, the French distribution made an introduction, saying that the film only took 21 days to shoot, and there was originally a plot in the finale, but it was not completed because of Tito's death, and it later became the beginning of "Underground" (same screenwriter)...

  • Ayla 2023-02-02 19:04:21

    Simple and soulful, the song sung by the two gypsy boys is truly infectious, and the song still lingers in my mind after reading it. Maybe the film is a microcosm of Yugoslavia, Belgrade is like an ideal home, and the bus is a condensed Yugoslavia: broken, faltering, the way forward is always interrupted, but always trying to move forward to the destination, but in the war Under the bombardment, all ideals have come to nothing, only to record suffering and sadness with...