Who Is America? Comments

  • Carrie 2023-05-25 12:42:15

    At the beginning of each episode, Trump's insanity really wants to die of laughter. This guy Cohen hasn't been assassinated...

  • Assunta 2023-05-14 17:22:51

    Trump takes office, everything falls...

  • Christian 2023-05-09 19:01:44

    Provoked the left and provoked the right. SBC pissed everyone off again. One of the myths about Cohen is, how far can this dude's comedy be? If you start from the early ALI G to the later dictator of Borat Bruno, you will be surprised: this is too much. . Then you will be surprised again when you come to the feces and fart agent comedy co-starring with Ma Qiang: This is almost the limit, right? Then there's who America is, so you're sure of one thing: SBC shouldn't be Earthlings, and for it,...

  • Christa 2023-04-20 01:52:47

    SBC really sees through...

  • Darius 2023-04-11 06:43:45

    It looks like a spoof show, but a bunch of politicians in it all look so serious~~~ Nonsense in a serious manner, eh, it's ok~~~ Personal evaluation:...

  • Stone 2023-04-10 07:34:28

    Mockumentary, this show may be mentioned repeatedly in the future. The remarks and cognitions of real parliamentarians and social citizens in it are shocking. Aside from the extremely funny early stage of the show, the more you look back, the more you feel chills down your...

  • Jarrod 2023-04-07 03:15:12

    Cohen is my favorite comedian. He used to be hilarious about dictators and stuff. This time, he is even more serious, directly recording the real reflections of politicians, celebrities and ordinary people facing political issues. It is a real comedy. It can be seen that Americans are really stupid and sweet, and it is shocking that the fake crew can trick so many celebrities into...

  • Axel 2023-03-31 16:33:31

    when I was in the mossad, I mean i was not in the mossad. Hahaha, the interviews during the publicity are excellent. It's a pity that he didn't put Palin's part in the end, it's probably...

  • Breanna 2023-03-30 21:03:10

    The characters played by Cohen are all fake, but most of the people interviewed are real. What these people say to the camera, whether it is from the heart or reciting their lines, they all come out of their mouths. . . . This series of taunts is taunted here. . . True and false mixed together. ....

  • Evalyn 2023-03-23 03:28:05

    Sachs Cohen is white key and...