While You Were Sleeping Comments

  • Nakia 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    It was so much fun, I couldn't stop laughing! ! (Is my laughter a little too low recently..) A warm and romantic love story, the expectation of being single with a cat and a woman. . . The silly lady was so cute back then. 26F421A3F7935E40DD89F5572ACF67AC...

  • Kylie 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    I love SANDRABULLOCK. I love this little warmth. In fact, American life is the same as Chinese life, and there is a sense of humor in...

  • Brennan 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    Things are often unpredictable. The movie I watched for the English name of the movie is full of warmth. My favorite scene is the scene where the hero and heroine are walking on the ice and hugging each other, but the rhythm of the whole movie is...

  • Lacey 2022-03-25 09:01:09

    I can also have this stamp on my passport in the near...

  • Chris 2022-03-25 09:01:09

    I miss those 90s team with old nose and old eyes....

  • Francesca 2022-03-25 09:01:09

    "I have a cat, I have an apartment, total possession of the remote control, that's very important. It's just, I've never met anybody that I could laugh with." I wish I could save your life and have you sleep before me, I'll talk to you till the morning...

  • Cornell 2022-03-25 09:01:09

    Another chick flick comedy from Sandra Bullock. I really admire the actresses who have been on the chick flick front, including Sandra, Aniston, Drew Barrymore and more. No sarcasm meant. I just feel that in this era of more and more bitterness and hatred, sometimes a little heartless happiness is...

  • Jaime 2022-03-25 09:01:09

    Another chick flick comedy from Sandra Bullock. I really admire the actresses who have been on the chick flick front, including Sandra, Aniston, Drew Barrymore and more. No sarcasm meant. I just feel that in this era of more and more bitterness and hatred, sometimes a little heartless happiness is...

  • Daniela 2022-03-23 09:01:56

    It's gentle and sweet, and the book is written without leakage, with laughter and tears. I like every character in a romantic comedy. This is how it should be! !...

  • Amiya 2022-03-21 09:01:56

    the meaning of...

Extended Reading

While You Were Sleeping quotes

  • Jerry: [at Celeste's party. Jack went along with Lucy, and was mistaken for Peter] Peter?

    Lucy: I gotta talk to you.

    Jerry: Geez, he looks good.

    Lucy: That's not Peter. That's Jack.

    Jerry: Uh, who's Jack again?

    Lucy: Peter's brother.

    Jerry: Peter's the guy that's in a coma.

    Lucy: Yeah.

    Jerry: So then why did you bring Jack?

    Lucy: I didn't bring Jack. He followed me here.

    Jerry: So Jack's the fiancé?

    Lucy: No, Peter.

    Jerry: Peter doesn't even know you exist.

    Lucy: I know.

    Jerry: So Jack is Peter?

    Lucy: Yeah.

    Jerry: Lucy!

    Lucy: Yeah?

    Jerry: They have doctors for this kind of thing!

  • Lucy: Hi. So, more questions?

    Jack: No, I have an engagement present for you.

    Lucy: Uh, you really shouldn't have.

    Jack: I didn't. It's from my parents.

    Lucy: Oh.

    Jack: It's furniture. You want me to bring it up? Hey, was that Saul I saw leaving?

    [there is a thud in the background. Joe Jr. is trying something on in Lucy's closet]

    Jack: What's that?

    Lucy: [lying] Cat.

    Jack: [suspicious] Big cat.

    Lucy: Um, I th - I think y - I think you should, um, bring it to, uh, t - bring it to Peter's apartment.

    Jack: You don't know what it is.

    Lucy: Well, you know, anything would look nicer in Peter's apartment.

    [there is a thud again from Lucy's closet]

    Lucy: You know what? I'll come with you.

    Joe Jr.: [as Lucy closes the door, Joe Jr. is heard falling down in the closet] Ooh!