While You Were Sleeping Comments

  • Saul 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    It's a very bland and warm film. Although the story is a bit vulgar, love at first sight is just the desire for love in the mind. Only when you know a person falls in love with him can you realize the true beauty of...

  • Jordi 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    Have you ever met someone...until if he got to know you well, he would abandon the beautiful woman around him and know that you are the wife he needs, have you ever fallen in love with someone you haven't talked to? Have you ever been lonely enough to talk nonsense with a vegetative...

  • Amelia 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    Although American romance films in the 1990s were all vulgar, they were all very inspirational and warm! It's so touching, and I envy Sandra Bullock. The male protagonist was dumped by Meg Ryan's true love in Sleepless in Seattle. Fortunately, he didn't miss his love here. I'm...

  • Weston 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    Sandra Bullock's sweetie...

  • Juston 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    while u were...

  • Evangeline 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    "Life dosen't turn out the way you planned. "Just accept and appreciate noi matter what life give to...

  • Kayla 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    19107# To be honest, SandraBullock has made so many films of this type, I really didn't think she was beautiful (and certainly not disgusting) for a minute and a second. It's very warm, the smoke screen of the romance movie is actually promoting family love, it's the type of standard Christmas and New Year's movie (not criticism), about that time of year, the space is filled with a kind of want to be with. The factor of family reunion is suitable for watching this kind of film.

  • Arturo 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    Staggeringly fake. Is a scene of falling in the snow worth so long? That's the kind of romantic plot you've racked your brains for? Director, it's really...

  • Katelyn 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    I like the happy poster, their warm smiles, the little details that make people smile, and the formulaic but touching happy ending... This ordinary and warm story tells us that although there is no A simple infatuation like love at first sight, goodbye love can make you find a sweet...

  • Marion 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    Many people commented that they never get tired of watching it. I am immune to the film. I have already read the super copy ability of Hong Kong...

Extended Reading

While You Were Sleeping quotes

  • Jerry: [at Celeste's party. Jack went along with Lucy, and was mistaken for Peter] Peter?

    Lucy: I gotta talk to you.

    Jerry: Geez, he looks good.

    Lucy: That's not Peter. That's Jack.

    Jerry: Uh, who's Jack again?

    Lucy: Peter's brother.

    Jerry: Peter's the guy that's in a coma.

    Lucy: Yeah.

    Jerry: So then why did you bring Jack?

    Lucy: I didn't bring Jack. He followed me here.

    Jerry: So Jack's the fiancé?

    Lucy: No, Peter.

    Jerry: Peter doesn't even know you exist.

    Lucy: I know.

    Jerry: So Jack is Peter?

    Lucy: Yeah.

    Jerry: Lucy!

    Lucy: Yeah?

    Jerry: They have doctors for this kind of thing!

  • Lucy: Hi. So, more questions?

    Jack: No, I have an engagement present for you.

    Lucy: Uh, you really shouldn't have.

    Jack: I didn't. It's from my parents.

    Lucy: Oh.

    Jack: It's furniture. You want me to bring it up? Hey, was that Saul I saw leaving?

    [there is a thud in the background. Joe Jr. is trying something on in Lucy's closet]

    Jack: What's that?

    Lucy: [lying] Cat.

    Jack: [suspicious] Big cat.

    Lucy: Um, I th - I think y - I think you should, um, bring it to, uh, t - bring it to Peter's apartment.

    Jack: You don't know what it is.

    Lucy: Well, you know, anything would look nicer in Peter's apartment.

    [there is a thud again from Lucy's closet]

    Lucy: You know what? I'll come with you.

    Joe Jr.: [as Lucy closes the door, Joe Jr. is heard falling down in the closet] Ooh!