While You Were Sleeping Comments

  • Roxane 2021-12-10 08:01:29

    The New York style is obvious. In fact, love movies based on the sophistication of New Yorkers look sincere and lovely no matter what the class of the characters. In the movies, the cold environment and the sprouting mood are often juxtaposed, forming a kind of subtlety. The pulling feeling. Compared with the New York romance films of the 1980s and 1990s, this film is more conservative in spirit. Bullock rescued his crush and became his fiancée by mistake. This lie can continue, and she later...

  • Jasmin 2021-12-10 08:01:29

    It's about to melt in Bill Pullman's...

  • Alexzander 2021-12-10 08:01:29

    The Chinese translation of "Love at Second Sight", plus the plot for the first ten minutes, made me surprised to think that this is also a "vegetable and silly white sweet" romantic love story similar to "Bride across the River"? However, the subsequent turning point made me feel that the male protagonist is someone else? It turned out to be so. → ……We are in the hospital ward, everything happened too fast, I can't tell the truth, I don't want to tell the truth, because the truth is that I am...

  • Amber 2021-12-10 08:01:29

    I saw the footage of Aunt Sandra on the film tour today and remembered that I actually watched this chick...

  • Crystal 2021-12-10 08:01:29

    The older you get, the more important you feel about your family. A harmonious and happy big family can give people unlimited courage and confidence. This film is very warm, everyone is very cute, especially at the end, Jack threw the ring into the tray, and the family came to cheer. The scene was really...

  • Leta 2021-12-10 08:01:29

    Quite cute and warm love comedy. I fell in love with Bill Pullman from this film. Masterpieces that can be seen again after a short period of...

  • Roy 2021-12-10 08:01:29

    Simple and vulgar love story, everything is so natural and warm. Finally...the moment the diamond ring fell, my heart shook involuntarily....

  • Bonita 2021-12-10 08:01:29

    The American Chick-flick in the 1990s is really beautiful, and it is still very interesting...

  • Nikita 2021-12-10 08:01:29

    7.5 points. Recall that the 90s were really innocent times: even this ordinary romantic comedy was filmed so delicious. Sandra Bullock has always been an actress I like very much. The young stupid eldest sister played this time makes me very comfortable, and the liveliness of the male pig family reminds me of "Moonlight Sultry". As expected, people are still social animals, lonely. It's really unacceptable. It feels so warm on the way home from a business...

  • Cleta 2021-12-10 08:01:29

    The love of a Cinderella Lianliankan. In fact, many years later, when Sister Feng has become a legend in people’s mouth, someone who is good at making stories will modify her experience and write such a love sketch. Find an actress who is not beautiful but not ugly to play her, the same. Women who are willing to consume love stories can be fooled into giving their love. So, it doesn't matter what story happens, appearance is the most important...

Extended Reading

While You Were Sleeping quotes

  • Jerry: [at Celeste's party. Jack went along with Lucy, and was mistaken for Peter] Peter?

    Lucy: I gotta talk to you.

    Jerry: Geez, he looks good.

    Lucy: That's not Peter. That's Jack.

    Jerry: Uh, who's Jack again?

    Lucy: Peter's brother.

    Jerry: Peter's the guy that's in a coma.

    Lucy: Yeah.

    Jerry: So then why did you bring Jack?

    Lucy: I didn't bring Jack. He followed me here.

    Jerry: So Jack's the fiancé?

    Lucy: No, Peter.

    Jerry: Peter doesn't even know you exist.

    Lucy: I know.

    Jerry: So Jack is Peter?

    Lucy: Yeah.

    Jerry: Lucy!

    Lucy: Yeah?

    Jerry: They have doctors for this kind of thing!

  • Lucy: Hi. So, more questions?

    Jack: No, I have an engagement present for you.

    Lucy: Uh, you really shouldn't have.

    Jack: I didn't. It's from my parents.

    Lucy: Oh.

    Jack: It's furniture. You want me to bring it up? Hey, was that Saul I saw leaving?

    [there is a thud in the background. Joe Jr. is trying something on in Lucy's closet]

    Jack: What's that?

    Lucy: [lying] Cat.

    Jack: [suspicious] Big cat.

    Lucy: Um, I th - I think y - I think you should, um, bring it to, uh, t - bring it to Peter's apartment.

    Jack: You don't know what it is.

    Lucy: Well, you know, anything would look nicer in Peter's apartment.

    [there is a thud again from Lucy's closet]

    Lucy: You know what? I'll come with you.

    Joe Jr.: [as Lucy closes the door, Joe Jr. is heard falling down in the closet] Ooh!