Where Is the Friend's House? Comments

  • Christa 2022-02-03 08:04:25

    A pure and simple children's movie. The seriousness, kindness and perseverance of children are touching, and the twists and turns of the process are heart-wrenching. Adults are immersed in their own world, become short-sighted, lose respect for children, and lose the patience to listen, which is tragic compared to children. The little boy's innocent eyes are full of worry and hesitation, but he is firm and persistent in taking responsibility for others. The finishing touch is so...

Extended Reading

Where Is the Friend's House? quotes

  • Grandfather's Friend: What I mean to say is, suppose the kid did nothing wrong. What would you do? What then?

    Grandfather: I'd find an excuse and give him a beating every other week. So he wouldn't forget.