Where Is the Friend's House? Comments

  • Bailee 2022-03-21 09:03:27

    #BIFF# 35mm film flashes magical red and green spots. Looking back at the early Abbas is tantamount to discovering parts of it that have remained unchanged to this day, such as the reversal of the structure and the echoes of repeated scenes. The subject of obedience makes it more than a straightforward children's...

  • Ruthie 2022-03-20 09:03:07

    The mother who did the laundry did not know why her son was sullen, the grandfather who smoked cigarettes did not know why his grandson was running around, and the old man who made the wooden door did not know why the boy turned back. The roaring wind outside the door, the dark night outside the house, the barking dog at the door and the silent mule, don't know what happened to the boy. Kegel is the bravest road this boy has ever run. Only Xiaohua in the homework book knows that this kind boy...

  • Hoyt 2022-03-20 09:03:07

    Against all odds and single-mindedly, return the workbook to the child at the same table. Clear big eyes, serious expression, the moon is still running non-stop. Abbas touched the softest part of the human heart with the simplest camera language, and finally the little yellow flower in the workbook is very...

  • Marlin 2022-03-20 09:03:07

    I compared it and found that it was the shooting location of "Olive Tree". Have all Iranian children ever been kissed by God? With such a powerful aura, it is no wonder that Iranian directors such as Abbas and Majid are keen on children's...

  • Darian 2022-03-20 09:03:07

    "Workbook" is a metaphor for cultural tyranny. Abbas substitutes the predicament of personal creation into the education predicament of primary school students, and makes a gentle struggle with a poetic and natural attitude. The child's innocent and clear vision is easy to be sympathized with, and his perseverance reflects her indifference. When it is dark, the elderly and children go side by side, which is a difficult walk for the weak in a...

  • Destini 2022-03-19 09:01:11

    #新看# A wonderful and agile little poem flows so innocently on the zigzag path and in the labyrinth-like alleys, and the little flowers in the workbook are like the testimony of running in the dark night last night. It is also a testament to simple and sincere friendship. A simple subject is light and humorous, and there is a touch of sadness in the beauty. The process of searching has swept the corner of the social status quo, and it is handled lightly and cleverly without leaving any traces. I...

  • Percy 2022-03-19 09:01:11

    Abbas' lithe and gripping narrative deviated from focus only twice in the great "Where Is My Friend's Home", both times when it suddenly turned from the young boy's point of view to the elderly. One of them adheres to the old-fashioned inhumane notion of education that it is reasonable and important to obey even the most unreasonable orders of authority; the other, left behind by the times, has to live in solitude. The Iranian society, caught between the old and the new, is facing the same...

  • Brice 2022-03-19 09:01:11

    The shape of the mountain road, the faint strings, the clear pupils, the milky red, white and blue... I can only say that it is too beautiful and too beautiful, like a simple poem. Children are imprisoned, old people are lonely, it seems that only the last little flower caught in the workbook is blooming in a less perfect...

  • Carleton 2022-03-19 09:01:11

    Ahmed's eyes are so innocent. In the process of searching, I was a little impatient at the end, and I didn’t understand why it seemed so indifferent. After the wind picked up that day, I would wonder if Ahmed regretted being so persistent, but this is an adult’s thinking. Bar. The most unforgettable thing for me was the little flower in the middle of the workbook when the teacher was marking Mohande's workbook at the end. Its strong impact on me really scared...

  • Brice 2022-03-19 09:01:11

    Adventure in the world of Abbas, where everything is now, everything is happening, language is dissolved, it becomes repetitive and indistinguishable, and at this time words bloom in the film, that perfect ending is the proof of it, We Chinese-speaking viewers couldn't read Farsi in the workbook, but we all saw the...

Extended Reading

Where Is the Friend's House? quotes

  • Grandfather's Friend: What I mean to say is, suppose the kid did nothing wrong. What would you do? What then?

    Grandfather: I'd find an excuse and give him a beating every other week. So he wouldn't forget.