We Need to Talk About Kevin Comments

  • Carson 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    Tilda Swinton didn't do anything wrong, so what happened to Kevin, is anyone born a devil? The actors of the son in the three stages nodded too...

  • Virgil 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    Scarlet and cruel. Is someone just born to be devil? Tilda Swinton showed his desperate love to the fullest. After watching the movie, he walked in the cold and windy New York. The feeling of depression was beyond description. She gave up her unrestrained life and devoted herself to the family. Why did she return to the cruelest blood? In fact, I really want to see the world in Kevin’s...

  • Lysanne 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    At the end mother asked her son why? In fact, the answer has been given in the process. Two relatively parallel story lines, one is the cause of the tragedy, and the other is the influence of the tragedy. Basically it’s Tilda Swinton’s personal show. The story is not complicated. It’s just handled too crudely. All kinds of unappetizing close-ups and casual music convey to the audience very uneasy emotions. It may not be bad, but it will feel very uncomfortable....

  • Joana 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    Can be used to promote family...

  • Makenzie 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    Many details can reflect the source of Kevin’s perversion, not only the negative main reason caused by his mother’s unpreparedness when he was born, but the son also inherited his mother’s tough and mean character; coupled with the twisted love between the two over the years , A series of events led to the final...

  • Ayden 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    How many sins did you do in your previous life to give birth to such a superb...

  • Kyle 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    Mom, I am your projection, your evil, what you don't know and don't want to admit. The color, light and shadow make people...

  • Geovany 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    Not all mothers are suitable to be mothers. Interspersed editing increases the level of narrative and the degree of hiding behind the views, which is very...

  • Jason 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    Many people are saying that the wrong way of expressing love in this film will cause children to pervert. Maybe the novel is written like that, but the movie doesn't tell at all. In the whole movie, this child is a total anti-socialist, a little beast! ! The movie tells us: Tell you not to contraception, you deserve it. Tilda's monologue, Oscar no nomination is probably due to the poor quality of the film, but the iron lady is even...

  • Braeden 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    The pictures are delicate, and Kevin's world-weariness since he was a child is a bit confusing. His father taught his son to shoot arrows since he was a child, but he died under his son's sword in the end. The soundtrack is great, but when the "Ambush on Ten Sides" sounded, I thought it was because I had clicked on a webpage by mistake. I looked for it for a long time. . ....

Extended Reading

We Need to Talk About Kevin quotes

  • [repeated line]

    Eva: Franklin, where are you? Pick up the goddamned phone!

  • Franklin: Kev, Mom had something that she wanted to tell you.

    Eva: [Eva looks appalled and despite her efforts she finds that this time, she is unable to fake any sort of love towards Kevin] I wanted to... thank you for calling the ambulance.

    Franklin: ...And?

    Eva: And I was concerned... that you might be feeling... RESPONSIBLE.

    Kevin: Why is that?

    Eva: [on the verge of snapping] Because you were SUPPOSED to be looking after her!

    Franklin: We just don't want you to blame yourself.

    Kevin: No. I don't... I mean I... I never said I did.

    Eva: ...She's going to need a GLASS EYE, Kevin.