We Need to Talk About Kevin Comments

  • Eldora 2022-12-22 19:54:15

    The director is telling the audience a cruel story in a literary and artistic...

  • Nannie 2022-12-10 13:40:13

    At first I thought I knew why, but then I wasn't sure. Thinking of the recent disfigurement cases, some inexplicable things make people stand...

  • Kiley 2022-11-28 04:39:54

    The son is a hostile devil created in anger because of his unsatisfactory body and will; the daughter is a speechless reflection of herself who wants to love but is incompetent and innocent; her husband is a mutilated self who has created all disasters and will eventually be destroyed. the other half. In fact, this is a different story of a sad woman mapped out. ps. The soundtrack is too...

  • Clotilde 2022-11-07 14:13:01

    Kevin, what's wrong with you, why are you like this? Ambush played by Yixing for the...

  • Sammy 2022-10-28 18:32:01

    There is nothing harder in the world than love, especially when you are faced with the choice between loving yourself or loving your children. When this seemingly undeserved conflict is buried in two bodies of the same blood, the seed of fear thrives, and it has nothing to do with others. The soundtrack to "House of Flying Daggers" is flawless, with those countless flashbacks that make you want to flee quickly, only to be replayed over and over again after it's...

  • Erica 2022-10-02 22:22:53

    What I saw was Tilda Swinton in a calm state, well...

  • Catharine 2022-09-20 11:35:14

    actually what makes the son hate his mother so much? all these killings are just revenge for his mother, including his own father and sister? is he just simply a...

  • Elmer 2022-09-11 10:08:02

    The little boy has the eyes of his mother and is unruly; the three mothers and sons in the movie hug the camera, which is meaningful; a good movie, very worth watching! recommend! Side note: Do you dare to compare all movies about school shooting injuries to elephants? The themes are completely different, one focuses on the individual and society, and the other explores the relationship between mother and child. Just like Moonlight Box and Harry Potter are both Slaying demons and eliminating...

  • Cassandre 2022-09-03 16:58:24

    When I saw such a movie, I thought of the rabbit hole of the previous nichole, and I hated the woman. Movies are nothing but a famous heroine. To be such an abnormal son must be an abnormal labor reform prisoner. Besides, having children is the responsibility of both parties. The child's father...

  • Hal 2022-04-24 07:01:06

    I really understand that this child is incompetent, right? Is he born perverted? It can be subverted later, how can a born pervert not know what he is for and how can he doubt himself? Contradictory,...

Extended Reading

We Need to Talk About Kevin quotes

  • [repeated line]

    Eva: Franklin, where are you? Pick up the goddamned phone!

  • Franklin: Kev, Mom had something that she wanted to tell you.

    Eva: [Eva looks appalled and despite her efforts she finds that this time, she is unable to fake any sort of love towards Kevin] I wanted to... thank you for calling the ambulance.

    Franklin: ...And?

    Eva: And I was concerned... that you might be feeling... RESPONSIBLE.

    Kevin: Why is that?

    Eva: [on the verge of snapping] Because you were SUPPOSED to be looking after her!

    Franklin: We just don't want you to blame yourself.

    Kevin: No. I don't... I mean I... I never said I did.

    Eva: ...She's going to need a GLASS EYE, Kevin.