Water for Elephants Comments

  • Francisca 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Who can convince me this is not an immoral cheating story 0...

  • Juston 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    A train skin is a circus, and a circus is a ready-made river and lake, and seducing a sister-in-law is the biggest taboo in the rivers and lakes. To be able to manage such a huge circus with a large number of people, the boss is the second male is really a person. Robbed other people's wife, destroyed other people's circus, the mistress had to die. Reese Witherspoon is getting...

  • Adolf 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Well, Pattinson, you tried your best. If you don't act well, it's a matter of talent. If you want to make amends the day after tomorrow, you will have to work for ten years. Besides, looking at Witherspoon's face and pretending to be sparkling, it's too difficult for...

  • Makenna 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    It is very difficult for several leading actors not to call into the play at...

  • Benjamin 2022-04-21 09:02:18

    The male protagonist has been forced from twilight to an animal cruelty...

  • Sylvia 2022-04-21 09:02:18

    Is there something wrong with my aesthetics? I think it looks pretty good. I didn't think Robert was handsome in "Twilight", but I think it's not bad...

  • Patsy 2022-04-21 09:02:18

    The book is much better, of course the circus is still a dream, but the ugly hero and heroine are so...

  • General 2022-04-21 09:02:18

    Leaving someone may not be out of love, and staying with someone may not be out of...

  • Autumn 2022-04-21 09:02:18

    In general, tender beef five recipes minus one...

  • Ibrahim 2022-04-21 09:02:18

    A decent story, with a good...

Extended Reading

Water for Elephants quotes

  • Camel: Come on. I gotcha some work.

    Jacob: With animals?

    Camel: Oh, you betcha...

    Jacob: [now shoveling in a train car with flies buzzing] I've never seen so much manure.

    Wade: They pack 'em in 27 a car.

  • Jacob: [after scarey incident feeding the lion] You think that's funny?

    August: [laughing] Yes, I do.

    Jacob: I could have lost my arm!

    August: No, you couldn't have. He doesn't have any teeth.