Water for Elephants Comments

  • Beaulah 2022-04-23 07:02:20

    I can only say that I will watch the movie first and then read the...

  • Henderson 2022-04-23 07:02:20

    It's too far from the expected value. Fortunately, I just downloaded it, and I didn't buy a ticket and watch it with a...

  • Luigi 2022-04-23 07:02:20

    There is a shoehorn face called Nen Niu Wufang, who robbed the wife of the shameless handsome Christoph Waltz. There's too little animal play. God horse tender cow Wufang hurry up and roll me as far as possible! I'm going home to read the original......

  • Archibald 2022-04-23 07:02:20

    robert not only has no looks, but also has no acting...

  • Lambert 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Three and a half. Various animal characters are well controlled, especially Rosie the elephant. As for the human leading actors, Pattinson is getting more and more disabled. He plays a little white face in his true colors, and the response is mediocre; they all say that Reese is beautiful, how can I not see it, the chin is really enough for Tian Zhen; as for Christoph, since Inglorious Bastard, he has always played violent roles , From time to time, I feel that he is Feng...

  • Abdiel 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    My day!!! Ruined~ Completely ruined! If you give more than 3 stars, please read the book first and then watch the movie! You are all fans of shoehorns!!! Go home and give you five stars for your...

  • Jeanette 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Although the filming is very old and pretending to be 13, it is still very boring. The male lead has no acting skills, and the female lead is just a vase. It is not easy to be so righteous as a...

  • Norberto 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    The sensational soundtrack and gorgeous graphics still can't stop the film adaptation of the novel from falling into the...

  • Antwon 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    The love story of the tender cow Wufang and Dibaotian =...

  • Cristina 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    There are no bright spots and no new ideas. When I watch it, I feel that kill times is a thief of...

Extended Reading

Water for Elephants quotes

  • Camel: Come on. I gotcha some work.

    Jacob: With animals?

    Camel: Oh, you betcha...

    Jacob: [now shoveling in a train car with flies buzzing] I've never seen so much manure.

    Wade: They pack 'em in 27 a car.

  • Jacob: [after scarey incident feeding the lion] You think that's funny?

    August: [laughing] Yes, I do.

    Jacob: I could have lost my arm!

    August: No, you couldn't have. He doesn't have any teeth.