Watch Out for the Automobile Comments

  • Nat 2023-04-26 17:14:57

    Ryazanov is not too famous for his comedy works, as far as the film and television works of the Soviet Union were seen at that time, the positive characters are not complete, and even each has its own minor flaws, but it is much cuter than the perfect man full of slogans. The socialist version The story of "The Police and the Thief" is difficult to steal. The car reveals corruption and is very considerate. It also makes a file for the corrupt officials. The narration is very humorous. Robbing...

  • Koby 2023-04-26 12:30:23

    The Soviet Union is very...

  • Taya 2023-04-11 09:35:12

    The subtitles are so attentive and have added so many...

  • Kade 2023-04-11 00:33:28

    It is full of humor and alludes to the corrupt bureaucratic system at that time, stealing unjust losses and transferring them to disadvantaged groups in need in the society, just like stealing Yasen Luoping, such a plot should never be outdated in human society. Novel techniques, all have innovative artistic flavor. Only part of the Blu-ray produced by Datang appeared in Chinese, and only English subtitles were...

  • Jewell 2023-04-07 04:56:52

    The characters are quite entertaining. Ryazanov never used a big stick to beat him, but a small whip, the so-called whip. On the surface, it looks like a crime genre film, but the narration is alien and anti-genre. The plot is comedic, but the core of the story is an institutional tragedy. The early Ryazanovs were not so procrastinating yet, they looked really...

  • Gloria 2023-04-02 21:30:52

    4.5, in harmony with the village, light and...

  • Unique 2023-03-17 16:54:16

    "Watch Your Car" is Ryazanov's comedy sketch. It still makes me smile after all these years. Really great. "What's wrong with an old man who sells auto insurance?", "He has too many relatives!" ? ? ?...

  • Antonio 2023-03-14 23:21:32

    Ryazanov's comedy. Both the thief and the police love their children, and they all drive at the speed limit when they drive past the school, so one can't catch up, and one can't run away. There's a soundtrack in it, why does it feel jazzy? Shouldn't it be bourgeois...

  • Kyle 2023-03-13 19:20:08

    A warm, funny and ironic sketch, it is a character relationship template for the two heroes of blood and blood. The most interesting thing is that the hero is written to be counseled, and only an honest person will be...

  • Anne 2023-03-05 11:40:50

    So cute... The interaction in the dressing room before the final act made me melt into the...

Extended Reading

Watch Out for the Automobile quotes

  • Yury Detochkin: And you believe in God?

    Priest: Everybody believes. Some believe that there is a God. Some believe that He doesn't exist.

  • Shop Salesman: If you'll marry, marry an orphan.