Wanted Comments

  • Briana 2023-09-16 03:36:27

    The protagonist Wesley, the man who often said: "I'm sorry", no matter what the circumstances, no matter whether the facial muscles are deformed or not. Dad Wei worked hard to let his precious son live an ordinary life, but his son was almost collapsed by this too ordinary life. You see, who really knows who? Does anyone really know what the other person...

  • Melba 2023-09-03 05:50:45

    The one who typed Fuck you with his keyboard and his teeth was this one. Lens effects and computer effects are so addicting. Julie is still so...

  • Freda 2023-08-19 03:35:28

    Three and a half. Exaggerated. But a very exciting action movie. The ending is predictable. My dear AJ is just doomed. Unexpectedly all lies eight. Right. It is easy to be deceived if you watch too much. This is how you can see the climax. I actually saw the Hustle actor as a supporting role. Quite a surprise. But I didn't like him much...

  • Johnny 2023-08-14 15:24:19

    Action movies with the original comics are just different, a little whimsical, a little self-contained, a little bit of their own worldview, a little bit different. Anyway, Julie's super sexy action is super...

  • Darion 2023-08-03 07:07:13

    One of the hallmarks of the economic advantage of the Catholic Assassins over the Muslims was that they could run a textile mill and sell...

  • Ceasar 2023-07-22 12:19:29

    It's definitely a movie made with money and stunts. The content is relatively empty, but the scene is very exciting. When killing people, headshots are shot, and this kind of gorgeous effect is pursued, but the content is really too...

  • Nico 2023-07-14 00:00:01

    McAvoy did a great job, but aside from him and Julie, no one else was impressed. Those mice.... so much fun!...

  • Amelia 2023-07-13 00:16:13

    Small heroes, reversal plots, conflicts between personal conscience and the absolute laws of the big Other are all common elements in Hollywood. What is more interesting is the slow motion, which integrates the functions of subjective shots and visual spectacles, and promotes narrative and creates emotional...

  • Ceasar 2023-07-12 11:46:38

    Classic action movie. Full of commercial...

  • Rahul 2023-07-11 19:55:00

    Not your ordinary bullshit. . . . . . Suspense + Action + Legend + Shootout. . . Lunga's...

Extended Reading

Wanted quotes

  • [repeated line]

    The Butcher: [to Wesley] Pussy.

  • The Exterminator: This is the Recovery Room. This bath stimulates white blood cells and speeds up the process. If you have bruises, cuts, breaks - heal in hours, not days.

    Wesley: [while in bath] You shitting me?

    [the Exterminator gives Wesley a sip of alcohol]

    Wesley: Is that vodka?

    The Exterminator: Yeah.

    Wesley: Are you Russian?

    The Exterminator: Yeah.


Director: Timur Bekmambetov

Language: English Release date: June 27, 2008