Walkabout Comments

  • Claud 2022-03-16 09:01:06

    In the early years, Australian movies involved aboriginals and were slightly mysterious, such as Peter Weir's "Last Big Wave", or this "Miss Brother Wasteland Adventure". Adventures in the Wasteland, I recently watched a movie called "Naked Killing Ten Thousand Miles". The big vision, close-ups of animals, and the brutality of humans are all spliced ​​together to form the unique scenery of the film. The film finally gave a reason for leaving the wasteland due to failure in the city, which is a...

  • Murray 2022-03-15 09:01:05

    The father of the film's opening is a symbol of the spiritual crisis of modern civilization. The younger brother has entered a harsh and wild environment. Modern people have to rely on the indigenous people to survive. After showing signs of civilization (roads, guns) in the world, the indigenous people lost their value. Can’t enter modern life and become a part of modern people, so it’s...

  • Zelma 2022-03-15 09:01:05

    The reaction of the two siblings after the daddy's suicide was still very cool. Don't complain, don't hesitate, go straight to the road. Even if the interaction between humans and nature is not very coordinated, it will not produce the unique ugliness of metal. My sister's swimming style in the water is beautiful. The reddish hue not only makes people extremely uncomfortable, but also reminds me of the popular science education films I watched in elementary...

  • Lottie 2022-03-14 14:12:26

    It is about a trend of civilization. Modern civilization's invasion of (relatively) primitive culture. At the end, borrowing the flashback memory of my sister to express the sigh of the passing years is also the irreversible decline of...

  • Jeremy 2022-01-11 08:02:30

    When in the wasteland, my sister only swims in the water alone. At that time he just focused on this rare and natural closeness. However, he maintained a civilized figure when interacting with indigenous people. After growing up, I fell into a sticky interpersonal relationship. What came to my mind was that the three people bathed together without restraint. The film not only promoted environmental protection, but also pointed out that there are many fragments in the relationship between the...

  • Bonnie 2022-01-11 08:02:30

    Original, very distinctive film in which Australians live in harmony with nature. The soundtrack and lens are very...

  • Anne 2022-01-11 08:02:30

    Although the storyline is simple, it shows the unique scenery of Australia and is a good travel promotion...

  • Cleve 2022-01-11 08:02:30

    It might as well call it the "Wild Pishi" movie. The world movies of the 1960s and 1970s were filled with an attitude of rebellion and scrutiny of humans and civilization. Roig also closely followed the artistic trend and took root in the wild wilderness of Australia. . The prodigal son of human society in "Easy Rider" has been riding and wandering, and is a "footless bird" that only stops once in a lifetime; "The Adventures of Miss Brother Wasteland" is an abandoned baby of modern...

  • Dylan 2022-01-11 08:02:30

    I don’t remember the plot completely, I just remember that many scenes are dew points, naked swimming or...

  • Conrad 2022-01-11 08:02:30

    The black native’s dance was his way of courtship, but his sister couldn’t leave the city life (she told what she wanted), so the native was completely abandoned and committed suicide (because the sister is no different from those who shoot the buffalo, this is Identify her) Look at the one-person village on the other side of the highway. How indifferent the modern person is. At the end of the film, she became a wife, but the wild dream that she saw in that moment has gone. The nude swimming...

Extended Reading

Walkabout quotes

  • The Girl: I'm not turning back. We've got to get on. It's late! I'm going now. Please! Please try. It can't be much further. It's silly to give in now. It's getting late! We've got to go. We can't waste time!

  • The Girl: You must look after your blazer. It's got to last! We don't want people thinking we're a a couple of tramps!

    White Boy: What people?


Director: Nicolas Roeg

Language: English,Aboriginal,Czech,French Release date: July 1, 1971