Vivre Sa Vie Comments

  • Joe 2023-09-14 04:41:32

    I'm so dumb that I can't remember the lines: You say you love me, but you don't consider me special. I hardly love you anymore, but I still consider you special. / -You like being special? -Yes. -Why? -No reason. / Art and beauty are...

  • Dell 2023-07-30 04:15:15

    I like it very much. Godard mentioned in an interview that his ideal of shooting is to arrive at the form of drama in the process of continuous recording. He identifies with Renoir, and I think he also inherits Renoir's approach to the perfect integration of drama into a naturalistic narrative process. The camera has been trying to recognize the existence value of the heroine, who is not a prostitute, but an existential prostitute. The heroine strives to incorporate the rationality of...

  • Alessandra 2023-07-27 08:55:49

    This is a satire of an obscure woman who loves fantasies. Still the same problem, great idea, but too...

  • Roel 2023-07-13 11:23:12

    Fragments of "The Passion of Joan of Arc" - the protruding face on the shoulders, the poster of "Jules and Jim", the dialogue and the elimination of the ambient sound that block and even turn away from the audience to complement the protagonist's thinking and leave a gap for the audience . Conversations with philosophers, Edgar Allan Poe's story, and sudden death after falling in love and wanting to get rid of them are all perfectly integrated into the film's narrative atmosphere. Of course,...

  • Genoveva 2023-07-01 07:21:03

    The prostitutes who live on dialysis, whose fate is as thin as paper, can't stand such persistent questioning. The sense of form is stronger, it is fragmented, and it is fully...

  • Colten 2023-06-17 05:16:25

    Sontag's famous film review, in fact, is just a little bit of an explanation. But the conclusion is clear, this is a near-perfect movie except for the...

  • Laney 2023-05-29 07:33:51

    [October 2019 Godard √] Godard in the award harvester period. Possibly the funniest thing to do is the sound, the technique is a bit more restrained (compared to his most provocative films) but a lot of it is still fresh (the narration, music, total silence, etc. are all well used, pimp It was too ironic to read the current situation of prostitutes in France, and Godard should have also acted as a dub [imdb shows unsigned]). In addition to interesting subtitles, subtitle tricks are used. Mixing...

  • Charlotte 2023-05-14 22:55:18

    1. Anna Karina's performance is too moving 2. A film still in the New Wave with word cards 3. Dreyer in Godard's lens 4. Impressed is Godard's experiment in sound 5. The picture has an extraordinary...

  • Titus 2023-04-05 03:27:15

    The tear left from watching Joan of Arc, record store, smoke, billiard hall, dancing, painting, Arc de Triomphe,...

  • Angelo 2023-04-02 00:22:02

    Rewatch. whistleblower whistleblower. Thieves steal. Prostitutes prostitute. The lost are lost. A woman is a woman... such a tautology of Godard's proposition. There is no "why" question and no "why" answer. It is an exchange between questions and answers, a surface game that does not pursue deep meaning. Movies are life, and life is also a movie. Vivre sa vie: Film en douze...

Extended Reading

Vivre Sa Vie quotes

  • The Philosopher: One should be able to express oneself. We manage to write things quite well. It's extraordinary that someone like Plato can still be understood. People really do understand him! Yet he wrote in Greek. 2,500 years ago? No one really knows the language, not exactly. Yet something gets through, so we should be able to express ourselves.

  • The Philosopher: We must think and for thought we need words. To communicate, one must speak. That's our life.