Vagabond Comments

  • Rowena 2022-04-21 09:03:10

    From short-lived bright to long-lasting gray, from fertile fields and seas to dark gullies, life is so vast and so sad. Varda said through the character's mouth: "If you choose freedom, you choose loneliness. If you don't stop, you will go to destruction." Atypical road films are actually wandering films. The tattered red boot lining on the heroine's feet is the last breath of life. I love...

  • Janiya 2022-04-21 09:03:10

    The photography is beautiful and the story is good. The mother of the new wave is indeed a masterpiece. A girl on the fringe, in self-imposed exile, where she was abandoned, raped, and starved to death. The door of perception finally...

  • Pablo 2022-04-21 09:03:10

    The film is full of a deeply pessimistic universal outlook. She hates modern society, and tries her best to challenge and rebel against the patriarchal system. No matter how strong her belief in freedom is, it can't match the small power of a lonely individual, and it will eventually lead to...

  • Colten 2022-04-20 09:02:21

    Naturally, it came naturally. Mona is probably the most dramatic person in everyday stories, but the film is about the most everyday life of a drama person. Mona's experiences are often unsympathetic, because it is her own choice, she can easily arouse people's kindness, but she rejects them. But at the end, it seemed that she was so pitiful, and the day when ordinary people derailed was a huge blow to her, and ultimately contributed to her death. What Varda is best at is finding dramatic...

  • Jewel 2022-04-20 09:02:21

    In Varda's tragic story, wandering is endowed with the meaning of freedom, and freedom is attached with a tragic price - the heroine Mona is helpless and recklessly captures the afterimage of freedom, and finally reaps embarrassment and hardship, loneliness and death; In the end, the dramatic backlash that Mona encountered: Ling Lie was stretched out in the winter night, panicked in the streets and alleys, speechless and choked after the knife was broken, always reminding that the road of quest...

  • Charlotte 2022-04-20 09:02:21

    In "Listening to Varda", Aunt San also said that grandma was rough with her at the time. Grandma said do you want me to kiss the blisters on your hands? At that time, Aunt San was only 18 years old, and she had injected strength and loneliness into her character and her own blood. All her characters I can think of now are the ones I love. (I bought a ticket late at night when I was still in Shanghai, and it was my first time to watch a movie in Shenzhen. I got up early the next morning to check...

  • Liana 2022-04-20 09:02:21

    Walking on the cold Chengfu road, Coco and I have been discussing what Varda wants to express, his personal feelings, or his thoughts on the pros and cons of anarchist freedom and the rules of secular society. The director seems to have given the answer, but not It's the essence of the new wave without being hard-pressed to the audience. ps: The two uncles who suddenly appeared during the discussion were suspected of being from the National Security Bureau, although they tried their best to...

  • Miller 2022-04-20 09:02:21

    Choose absolute and complete freedom, absolute and complete loneliness, and absolute and complete on the road. The documentary-like lens stares at Mona. Mona's walk connects the people in the town. When everyone faces the camera directly, they express their secular vision. This vision condenses the two ends of individuality and society. The form is too wonderful. The more thoroughly Mona resists human sociality, the more thoroughly it shows how thoroughly all human individuals are kidnapped by...

  • Pete 2022-04-20 09:02:21

    This is the highest state of doing whatever you want. Compared with Mona's mother, Godard's Nana is a...

  • Eloy 2022-04-20 09:02:21

    Wish i could see it earlier. 1. A movie that is moving in motion, zoom in at the beginning, then like a wandering and resting, rising-rolling-falling, from the oily green pine and cypress to the dead old woman, and finally not moving at all. 2. The time of the film imitates the form of memory, the delay or advance of the "interview" shot, the recollection and the symptom, and the direct gaze always brings reflexive thinking: Are we curious hunters, police officers, or witnesses; kiss the red...

Extended Reading

Vagabond quotes

  • la platonologne Mme Landier: Why did you drop out?

    Mona Bergeron, sans toit ni loi: Champagne on the road's better!

  • les Bergers: She blew in like the wind. No plans, no goals... No wishes, no wants... We suggested things to her. She didn't want to do a thing. Wandering? That's withering. By proving she's useless, she helps a system she rejects. It's not wandering, it's withering.