Upstream Color Comments

  • Philip 2022-09-10 00:43:23

    The film is completely like Terrence Malick in terms of photography, lens, lighting, soundtrack and even the way the story is told. Although the story setting is quite interesting, the way of expression is really a test of IQ, but every scene of it is very playful, but if the director makes the story less obscure, it may resonate with more people, but I have to admit One point, the creativity of this movie is really...

  • Amiya 2022-09-07 17:13:28

    The lens is a bit disgusting. . . Worms, rotting pigs, etc. . . But having said that, why can science fiction shoot so...

  • Athena 2022-06-01 22:20:16

    It's like the strange combination of Malik and...

  • Adella 2022-06-01 21:58:03

    Stunning. Completely different from the previous work, the dialogue is limited, and the narrative is constructed with highly colorful photography. Unexpectedly, Carus was so romantic and poetic. Seeking answers in perplexity and loss; struggling with dual matrices; re-giving of life. This form of purely using the emotions of the characters to guide the audience's perception and to interpret the author's creative ideas is really fascinating, and the execution of the sound and tone is perfect....

  • Linnie 2022-06-01 21:17:58

    Is it too stream of consciousness, a combination of love, suspense, and science fiction? I can only say that I quite like photography and sound effects...I wish I...

  • Myrna 2022-06-01 19:31:35

    If you want to understand this movie, you'd better read "Walden Lake", otherwise it will be very difficult to understand the inspiration after reading Shien Carus. Why should human beings return to the rural life, be in harmony with nature, and reshape themselves , Try to abandon the material ties of life. The audiovisual language of the whole movie is like the combination of David Lynch, Terrence Malik and David Cronenberg, stream of consciousness and mystery, you need to grasp the details of...

  • Eryn 2022-06-01 18:40:06

    There are always one or two movies that make you want to call WTF every year. The dead pigs floating on the Huangpu River are the director's revenge on the society. After all, a sleepwalking that rejects people from thousands of miles away can't just rely on pictures and sounds. I would rather think that there is a red line between meaningful mystery and...

Extended Reading

Upstream Color quotes

  • Thief: I have to apologize. I was born with a disfigurement where my head is made of the same material as the sun.

  • Thief: The water before you is somehow special. When you drink it you feel revived and full of energy. It is better than anything you've ever tasted. Take a drink now.