Up Comments

  • Tavares 2023-06-30 10:04:30

    Disney movies always move me especially, because the old man in the movie doesn't want to demolish his house, because it's full of memories with his deceased wife, he decides to move the house to another place. All kinds of things happened. In the end, everyone is happy, I think it's very...

  • Shawna 2023-06-25 20:31:04

    Seeing the story of tears is very simple to tell us that every day is important. This movie and the game of the same name are specially...

  • Frances 2023-06-03 05:20:18

    "If traveling and going on an adventure is to meet wonderful scenery I have never seen before and experience a fulfilling life I never imagined, then meeting and staying with you is the most beautiful adventure I can think of" - Thanks for the...

  • Cassandre 2023-03-15 11:37:58

    For a bird, destroy the dream and dignity of a great scientist. And...

  • Idella 2023-03-08 22:11:39

    The visual effects are not overwhelming, the stories are carefully told, the jokes are dense and natural, and the whole is emotionally...

  • Domenick 2023-03-05 14:13:02

    The old grandfather is agile, and the little fat man and grandpa are so warmhearted. For grandpa's flying house dream, give five...

  • Daniella 2023-02-22 11:54:58

    The shape design is the expression of character, and the square reflects the old man's immobile and stubborn nature. Almost all squares are used on things related to him, houses, chairs, picture...

  • Alexzander 2023-02-10 03:55:25

    If you have a dream, you must work hard to realize it. Even if you go through hardships on the road, don't give up! ~! ~This film has opened up my imagination, the dogs, KEVIN and children are very cute, it has opened up my...

  • Theo 2023-01-18 20:56:37

    Imagination, wings for...

  • Destini 2023-01-16 09:20:12

    The most cattle nail household in...

Extended Reading

Up quotes

  • Beta: Chocolate, I smell chocolate!

    Gamma: I'm getting prunes and denture cream! Who are they?

    Beta: Oh, man, Master will not be pleased. We better tell him someone took the bird. Right, Alpha?

    Alpha: [in a squeaky voice] No. Soon enough the bird will be ours yet again. Find the scent, my compadres, and you too shall have much rewardings from Master for the toil factor you wage.

    Beta: Hey, Alpha, I think there's something wrong with your collar. You must have bumped it.

    Gamma: Yeah, your voice sounds funny!

    [they both laugh]

    Alpha: Beta! Gamma!

    [they both stop laughing]

    Alpha: Mayhaps you desire to - SQUIRREL!

    [All of them turn their attention to a nearby tree; slight pause, Gamma whimpers]

    Alpha: Mayhaps you desire to challenge the ranking that I have been asigned by my strength and cunning...

    Beta: No, no, no. But maybe Dug would. You might wanna ask him.

    Gamma: Yeah. I wonder if he's found the bird on his very special mission.

    Alpha: Do not mention Dug to me at this time. His fool's errand will keep him most occupied. Most occupied, indeed. Ha ha ha! Do you not agree with that which I am saying to you now?

    Beta: Sure, but the second Master finds out you sent Dug out by himself, none of us will get a treat.

    [He and Gamma whine]

    Alpha: [lunges and growls at them] You are wise, my trusted lieutenant.

  • Alpha: [Through a communicator on Beta's collar] This is Alpha calling Dug. Come in, Dug.

    Dug: Hi Alpha. Hey, your voice sounds funny.

    Alpha: I know, I know! Have you seen the bird?

    Dug: Why, yes. The bird is my prisoner now.

    Gamma: Yeah, right!

    [Kevin hisses at the screen]

    Alpha: Impossible! Where are you?

    Dug: I am here with the bird, and I will bring it back, and then you will like me. Oh, gotta go.

    [Russell appears on the screen]

    Russell: Hey Dug! Who you talking to?

    Alpha: [the screen goes black] No, wait, wait!

    Beta: What's Dug doing?

    Gamma: Why's he with that small mailman?

    Beta: Where are they?

    [Alpha locates Dug on GPS]

    Dug: There he is, come on!

    [they all dart into the jungle]