Unplanned Comments

  • Roel 2023-05-21 12:52:34

    It is said that it is a gospel movie, but I have never seen the name of the church! I don't understand! Life is indeed precious, but is it irresponsible to welcome the birth of a life when you are not...

  • Sophie 2023-05-17 02:31:19

    The method of ordinary brainwashing films is preaching, this preaching adds...

  • Jalyn 2023-05-09 03:47:07

    It's beautiful, I don't know why the rating is so...

  • Lionel 2023-04-24 21:55:58

    . . . Are you...

  • Jewell 2023-04-21 00:32:19

    The decisions you don't want your mom to know are bad...

  • Emmanuel 2023-04-19 10:49:05

    To exaggerate the perceptual error of the opponent's behavior, and use cruel facts and a sense of self-righteousness to build up what you defend, this is despicable and dishonest in my opinion, naive and irrational. In essence, it is a product of LSD and propaganda brainwashing by blind followers, which has nothing to do with the law....

  • Nick 2023-04-13 06:23:52

    I was shocked by the abortion plot in the movie. It turned out that a life was sucked out like...

  • Xzavier 2023-03-24 16:15:53

    I never thought that this was such a nasty commercial. When did human beings have true selflessness and purity? Some people regret not having children at the beginning, and some people are regretting the children they have now. Persuade life, but don't think about what to do when you are born? Raising a child irresponsibly is more deserving of scorn than cruelly strangling a...

  • Kaia 2023-03-16 09:02:54

    The story is well told, and the value output is really bitch! Anti-abortion comes up with the face of a Virgin who cares about strangers, but it's none of your business? It’s acceptable to persuade people to at least ask about your own future life before deciding whether to have an abortion. It’s also useless to talk about the preciousness of life by believing in...

  • Marques 2023-03-02 13:49:30

    The director forcibly added too many viewpoints to himself, and, isn't the female lead a commercial...

Extended Reading

Unplanned quotes

  • Renee: Do you know what P.O.C stands for?

    Abby Johnson: ...Products of Conception?

    Renee: No... Pieces of Children!

  • Cheryl: Non-profit is a tax status, not a business model.