Unhinged Comments

  • Josefa 2023-07-19 07:24:50

    The moment I was watching, I was like: Why I am...

  • Stephan 2023-07-13 09:17:33

    Thousands of Roads Safety First Road Rage (more than) the ultimate embodiment of safe...

  • Earnest 2023-07-12 02:28:19

    As the saying goes: "Be patient for a while, and take a step back to see the sea and the sky." But a dog will jump over the wall if he is anxious, and a rabbit will also bite if he is in a hurry. Bite, bite to death. If the taste is not heavy, it will not stimulate the...

  • Emelie 2023-07-11 14:00:10

    8/28@IFC. On the first night of the Hong Kong cinema reopening, I don’t know how happy it is to watch a movie in the cinema without experiencing the epidemic. The movie itself: 1. The rhythm control is very good. Many of the previous episodes seem to be unreasonable. The characters of the half-loser heroine and the desperate heroine, and the overall rule of law in the United States, are inefficient and chaotic. Under the social background, it also gradually became reasonable in the later stage....

  • Tillman 2023-06-28 18:54:16

    With the character and motivation of the murderer, the film seems to have chosen a classical thriller route of cat-and-mouse psychological games: Spy’s duel car chase + Vinci’s seven deadly sins of original sin murder. But the problem story is too simple, the style is too realistic, the violence is too direct, and it can't support the genre temperament of classical suspense. And if you jump to the other extreme, when Crazy Max went to see it, because the car chase scenes mostly take place in...

  • Elias 2023-06-14 21:43:14

    Fortunately, the plot is compact and does not appear to be full of flaws. The heroine is too annoying to be sympathetic to to accept the ending. Being a person without a sense of responsibility, cheating, having no money, buying lottery tickets at the gas station, breaking and returning the car, and holding a grudge against the customer's legitimate dismissal is really a representative of too many white trash. Wouldn't it be better to let russel crowe kill the people? PS became fat only to find...

  • Casey 2023-05-24 23:27:50

    What should I do if I provoke a road rage...

  • Kamryn 2023-05-22 23:26:42

    Bored Russell Crowe has acted road rage, neither reflection nor...

  • Mariano 2023-05-17 15:59:50

    (Blood caused by a horn) Rachel and her husband are being separated, and she is currently raising her young son, Kaye, alone. Divorce discussions have left Rachel exhausted. She overslept and was about to be late, but she happened to run into a traffic jam on the expressway. It was a green light, but Rachel was blocked by a large truck parked in front of her. Rachel, who lost her patience, honked her horn, but she annoyed the truck driver. The truck driver orders Rachel to apologize for her...

  • Chance 2023-05-17 15:44:26

    A movie about road rage, there are no big scenes, you will forget it after watching...

Extended Reading

Unhinged quotes

  • The Man: [to Rachel] I'm sorry... but I don't think you know what a really bad day is! But you'll fucking learn.

  • Kyle: [to Rachel] Did you remember my Butterfinger Blizzard?