Unforgotten Comments

  • Rosendo 2022-11-03 10:19:34

    Age-old sins are sins that don't get better with the passage of...

  • Hilton 2022-10-31 20:19:41

    Bai Yeying Drama Club. Investigate old cases. Mistakes made, people killed, there will be traces after a long time. The ending is really a little unexpected, and there is no actual physical evidence, so it can only be like this. I can also accept that the ending involving each family is a bit chicken...

  • Juliana 2022-10-28 03:17:10

    It is my favorite type of British drama. After watching it, I always feel that the protagonists have an inexplicable charm. What happened in Britain in the 1970s seems to be the subject that the British prefer to...

  • Providenci 2022-10-21 13:44:01

    Every time my mother came out, I started to cry, eternal tears, so Lion probably wouldn't dare to watch it, this one is also careless; the plot is so good, the IQ is online, it can keep up with the times and don't take the audience for granted. Ben will look thin compared to this one. Great, great. Although I think the ending is a little weaker, in the end it boils down to anti-discrimination and I have a bit of a forehead. ....

  • Zoie 2022-10-18 02:59:46

    The British are really good at making movies and TV dramas about such unsolved cases, and they are not in a...

  • Price 2022-10-14 17:49:21

    It's not surprising at first, but the more I look at it, the more surprising it becomes. For the excavation of each character, the fate unfolds in a complicated sequence. It is a detective drama and a human drama, perfectly integrated. Concern for weak individuals and an attitude of self-honesty are the most...

  • Terry 2022-10-09 16:05:04

    The 6 episodes tell about a case with a background in the 1970s. The story is peaceful and meticulous. There is no gorgeous crime tracking method. It is low-key and simple, but it reflects the perseverance of the police...

  • Kylee 2022-10-07 12:34:41

    Jimmy's phone book can be regarded as a harm contacts book. Unforgotten is the one who won't be forgotten even he's been murdered. Occasionally, this bitch of life will randomly give some Unforgettable ~ good things, be...

  • Julianne 2022-10-05 06:21:37

    Old lady with Alzheimer's is a murderer a bit...

  • Darius 2022-09-29 08:09:11

    The explosion performance of the old man in the deep cabinet should be remembered in film history, but such a brilliant performance cannot cover up the other lines, especially the abrupt and far-fetched line of the king of enterprises. Overall, the reputation is hard to...