Unfinished Song Comments

  • Holden 2023-03-06 11:47:59

    Tears pouring out from the first half. The old opera bone gave another powerful performance. Unlike the indifference in Atonement, this time the old lady is cute, optimistic and strong. Too many details point to the...

  • Angela 2023-02-18 20:43:50

    I will leave you, but I leave my love to...

  • Jimmie 2023-01-15 05:11:13

    An emotional film to family featuring the...

  • Felipe 2022-10-24 09:41:26

    Nothing special, the "conflict" and "reconciliation" created by the screenwriter are...

  • Daron 2022-09-06 15:27:33

    I really want to hug you when I watch this movie, Miaomiao. . . I love...

  • Rubie 2022-07-15 23:20:02

    Suddenly burst into...

  • Gage 2022-07-15 22:54:45

    20130630 In a land surrounded by roses, I moved to a new house. It was my first attempt to live in the north of the city. The film said that we must have the courage to start a new life. . Jasmine flowers bloom at night, with a faint beauty.

  • Nico 2022-07-15 22:25:53

    love is love. . Really need to express....

  • Maxine 2022-07-15 21:54:15

    Last year's "Love" and this year's "Song for a Beloved Wife", one is warm and the other is hot, but they have the same purpose, 4.5...

  • Roxanne 2022-07-15 21:01:59

    On the final stage, before Arthur opened his mouth to sing, I started to cry, and I cried until the end of the credits. Older-themed films are more and more touching my heartstrings, maybe I'm getting old? Xu is only envious of mandarin ducks and not immortals. The emotion between such a deeply affectionate elderly couple is called love. The old actor who plays Arthur is so good, I'm so afraid that the young female teacher will fall in love with him. I always thought that a female teacher and...

Extended Reading

Unfinished Song quotes

  • Doctor: Chips and ice cream, Marion. Someone told me once, when there's nothing you can do, chips and ice cream. Go home and have as much as you want.

  • Arthur Harris: [Marion wants to go outside in her pyjamas to say hello to the choir who have come to sing outside her bedroom window] You can't make a show of yourself like that.

    Marion: They're my friends. They don't care what I look like. Neither do I. I want to see them.