Undone Comments

  • Morgan 2023-01-24 20:35:29

    Isn't this shit? ? ? Full marks for the first seven episodes, full marks for schizophrenia + shaman setting, full marks for story, full marks for non-linear narrative. I've been worrying all the way about not getting to the end of the story. The core of the story is the redemption of a girl who lost her father since she was a child... It's a pity that I guessed right. What is the pseudo-open ending, isn't it that I can't make it up? ? ?...

  • Francesca 2023-01-18 01:01:30

    Strong storytelling. If the ending only requires the father's spiritual self to enter the memory of the self, why should the heroine "awaken" again and again? The ending is really doing things, everything is not a dream or a fantasy, but the real time and space...

  • Zechariah 2023-01-08 13:44:08

    Interstellar + London life is both visual and a bit of a drunken man. You go back and forth again and again and want to know which link went wrong You want to know if there is an answer Want to stop looking for you trying to change what has happened... ... I've watched several times with tears in my eyes. Lawyer saul's voice is so recognizable. The female lead and the male vote are actually quite good for each other. As people who are close, what can I do? Watching you play the blackjack game...

  • Kayleigh 2022-12-23 10:20:07

    It doesn't have to be like this. You don't have to be like...

  • Ferne 2022-12-08 22:26:16

    3.5. Life Sucks under the guise of sci-fi. I don't like the style of the transfer painting, but the imagination of some transitions is very good, which may indeed be a compromise due to cost. The Chinese translation is not very good. In my opinion, the point of the whole story is not "restart". The so-called undone is the past that can't be let go, and the present that can hardly be grasped. Those who seek the truth are repeatedly entangled with pain, and even self-denial. So, time travel or...

  • Carolyn 2022-11-20 00:30:19

    The script is not solid, the timeline narrative is disordered, and the drama is...

  • Marcelle 2022-11-11 07:25:03

    Amazon wants to kill Netflix's...

  • Nichole 2022-10-20 06:27:08

    My favorite in recent years, bar...

  • German 2022-10-13 20:35:01

    generally. I am immune to such mourning...

  • Kaelyn 2022-10-12 11:40:30

    It is also a brain hole drama, time travel or schizophrenia? In the end, it came down to family love, a desire to fill the wounds of childhood. Especially with the voice acting and Bob Odenkirk, it's impossible not to love this...


Director: Hisko Hulsing

Language: English,Spanish Release date: September 13, 2019