Under the Sun of Satan Comments

  • Sandrine 2022-06-13 21:19:19

    Better than Bresson, Piara's natural light is used very well, the picture is still white and blue as always, there is a lot of dialogue, and those torture-style confrontations are quite interesting. Satan appeared to speak in the face of an ordinary person, but there was no sense of disobedience. In Piara's calm form, he was a little crazy and...

  • Gerard 2022-06-13 18:55:46

    Faith is a mark carved deep in the soul. In the cold night, Satan crawls beside his ear, kisses his cheek lightly, eyes closed in pain, fangs choked with trembling and temptation tortured in the dark valley. The light must first experience death. In the narrow room, the godfather's gloomy face was printed, and he muttered in pieces, suppressing the devil who was about to move with whipping. Finally he gave himself, Shen Shen...

  • Adela 2022-06-13 18:19:39

    A literary and artistic film of the dead, the entanglement and philosophy of the dead. ....

  • Retta 2022-06-13 14:39:04

    "Under the Sun of Satan" and Bresson's "Diary of a Country Priest" are the same texts by Bernanos. Undoubtedly, the treatment of the former is more radical, and the disturbing behavior enters in a state of trauma and irony. In the penance of scholasticism, there is also a devotee of "internality", as well as a large number of metaphysical monologues, dialogues, however, this does not mean that it is a "thesis film" about faith, or Bresson "transcendental style", its true identity is a religious...

  • Nedra 2022-06-13 13:32:39

    God or Satan? The believer's dilemma. It's not just the crime that lures, it's the idea that's more deeply. Piara is dull (composure) not very likable, as Depardieu puts it, he puts him in a position of being unlikable, but he is deeply loved. The films of the 1980s captured the spirit of the 1950s and...

Extended Reading

Under the Sun of Satan quotes

  • Donissan: God is mocking me.

  • [first lines]

    Donissan: With you, everything looks easy. Alone, I'm useless. I'm like the zero, only useful next to other numbers. Priests are so miserable. They waste their lives seeing God being ignored. People make jokes on us. We're like those walls where people write obscenities.

    Menou-Segrais: You're tired.

    Donissan: Tired? I'm not tired. Tired is a bad thought.

    Menou-Segrais: Suspend your visits.

    Donissan: Those visits do more harm than good. In the beginning, I didn't know evil. I learned it from the mouths of the sinners.

    Menou-Segrais: No one knows better than a priest about the terrible monotony of sin.

    Donissan: I can't speak to them. I can't only make absolutions and feel sorry.

    Menou-Segrais: If one absolution in thirty was worthy, the world would be brief.