Under the Sun of Satan Comments

  • Elton 2022-12-08 21:57:29

    cannot be an atheist's cup of...

  • Joannie 2022-12-02 06:54:02

    picture and a...

  • Hyman 2022-11-30 15:22:32

    That year, the Cannes Film Festival awarded the Palme d'Or to Piara, and the audience was booed. Piara took the trophy and said to the audience: "I don't love you...

  • Jean 2022-11-30 10:56:02

    #FIFF7# Fantastic minimalist movie. The moment when the girl picked up the shotgun and killed by mistake is a very beautiful moment. It is a kind of minimalist writing of the character's heart with images instead of words, because the character's heart is extremely simple at this moment, and the actions after that reflect the character's heart. Extremely complicated, and no explanation is the best explanation. This scene is excellent. The same is true for the next few scenes, like walking into...

  • Maddison 2022-11-28 19:25:45

    The 40th Palme d'Or religious film priest looks too much like little...

  • Uriah 2022-11-23 21:00:11

    ★★★★ (2005-03-11) [Archive] It is like the temptation of Satan on the field, and only by offering sacrifices to God can one obtain redemption. But at the time, I was immune to religious issues, so I didn't think much about...

  • Manuel 2022-11-20 14:18:00

    O that shocking light in the confession room, are you from Satan or God! Witnessing the process of fighting between God and Satan in the heart and suffering deeply for it makes the martyrs appear tragic and solemn, and makes faith with the beauty of light and shadow of pain. If you firmly attribute all miracles to God, rely on subjective dichotomy and never feel deceived in your heart, this is not a mature believer, it is a tragedy of ignorance and lack of...

  • Deshaun 2022-11-09 22:12:37

    The director uses a large number of close-ups and monophonic large inner monologues, using realism and even naturalism to reveal the inner world of a village priest. Compared with the film "Diary of a Country Priest" directed by Bresson, although the subject matter and style are similar, the difference is that in Piara's film, people can't find the grace and grace of God....

  • Aric 2022-11-06 11:36:03

    I've always been in love with big noses, and I also like a few movie names that make people imagine, but unfortunately, (this is a sigh to myself), I have been in close contact with religion for so long, and I have taken courses like "Religious History". , 4 credits, but why do you still feel that it is so distant and unfamiliar? Intellectually, I respect the holiness of God. When I entered the church, I also looked like an obedient person. I didn’t speak or sing. I just smiled and looked at...

  • Leopold 2022-11-04 21:40:44

    But Satan still showed up in the night, bringing a gentle and charming kiss (remember Baudelaire kissing Satan's ass?), but the day was cold and cold, colder than the night, just like people are still alive , but colder than death, is this Satan's sunshine? Or the silent light of God? In the end, the child's resurrection seemed frivolous. How could He give such a...

Extended Reading

Under the Sun of Satan quotes

  • Donissan: God is mocking me.

  • [first lines]

    Donissan: With you, everything looks easy. Alone, I'm useless. I'm like the zero, only useful next to other numbers. Priests are so miserable. They waste their lives seeing God being ignored. People make jokes on us. We're like those walls where people write obscenities.

    Menou-Segrais: You're tired.

    Donissan: Tired? I'm not tired. Tired is a bad thought.

    Menou-Segrais: Suspend your visits.

    Donissan: Those visits do more harm than good. In the beginning, I didn't know evil. I learned it from the mouths of the sinners.

    Menou-Segrais: No one knows better than a priest about the terrible monotony of sin.

    Donissan: I can't speak to them. I can't only make absolutions and feel sorry.

    Menou-Segrais: If one absolution in thirty was worthy, the world would be brief.