Under the Sun of Satan Comments

  • Shyanne 2023-02-23 00:36:01

    Piara's Palme d'Or works the scene layout is simple, the picture is cold and jerky, filled with a lot of sharp dialogues about religion, of course, some plots and lines are too obscure for me, who has not read the Bible in its entirety, but Donisan met satan on the road. The incarnation of and being kissed by Mushayt to kill his lover Donisan in the suburbs trying to influence Mushayt (a man who always thinks he can control a woman no matter what his status is laughable) and other scenes are...

  • Benjamin 2023-02-09 05:08:38

    8.75 The French speak fast, so if you are shooting religious subjects, you should slow down a bit. The connection of the shots is often broken, and the transitions are very sudden, so how the protagonist's mind is conquered by Satan, the film's performance is not convincing enough, and the line of another murder case is not clear. Good use of light and music. Big pig Depardieu's nose was so crooked at that...

  • Idell 2023-01-21 15:05:38

    There is a gap. The deepest impression is that Donissan met Satan on a wild day and...

  • Nola 2022-12-31 14:59:09

    Everyone desires a miracle, but even the secular church has a hard time understanding the meaning of the miracle. This is the gap between the secular and the divine. There is man between Satan and God, and man's free will determines whether he sees Satan or God. This obscure religious film will not be accepted and understood by the Chinese....

  • Gloria 2022-12-30 02:04:39

    Knowledge structure is too weak, very...

  • Eileen 2022-12-26 17:19:50

    Compared with Bresson, the overall strategy is indeed somewhat inappropriate, and the strong drama overshadows the naturalism. The editing process in the second half cancels the dullness of indoor scenes, and it is calm and fast, which only adds to the...

  • Alaina 2022-12-23 11:54:54

    The tune is low, and Depardieu still looks like "I don't go to hell, who goes to hell", which is too unconvincing. The overall impression can be said to be tormented; Piara's "plot" It’s really as light as always, and there are only a lot of thoughts and struggles about religious beliefs left to support the film; the girl’s murder scene didn’t hold up, and it felt like the filming collapsed—“I killed him, that scene Like a comedy, it's over in one fell...

  • Laila 2022-12-22 22:45:47

    The sun comes from the sky, where God exists, but is now occupied by Satan—the title is apt and poetic. Piara's editing omits the transition process, so the different dialogue scenes are closely linked, and the discussion about faith and God presses into the audience's mind like a huge wave, making people fully feel Father Donisan's inner heart. Anxiety and pain. The film holds a positive attitude towards the existence of God. Although there is no need to be a martyr like Donisan, as long as...

  • Vito 2022-12-17 00:04:01

    The degeneration of social morality, the evil of the human...

  • Eriberto 2022-12-10 20:36:27

    It seems that I have seen it and it is very ordinary. The heroine is the type I least like to...

Extended Reading

Under the Sun of Satan quotes

  • Donissan: God is mocking me.

  • [first lines]

    Donissan: With you, everything looks easy. Alone, I'm useless. I'm like the zero, only useful next to other numbers. Priests are so miserable. They waste their lives seeing God being ignored. People make jokes on us. We're like those walls where people write obscenities.

    Menou-Segrais: You're tired.

    Donissan: Tired? I'm not tired. Tired is a bad thought.

    Menou-Segrais: Suspend your visits.

    Donissan: Those visits do more harm than good. In the beginning, I didn't know evil. I learned it from the mouths of the sinners.

    Menou-Segrais: No one knows better than a priest about the terrible monotony of sin.

    Donissan: I can't speak to them. I can't only make absolutions and feel sorry.

    Menou-Segrais: If one absolution in thirty was worthy, the world would be brief.