Under the Sun of Satan Comments

  • Ludwig 2023-06-19 06:01:15

    The French religious film starring Gerard Depardieu won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival that year. Because I don't understand religion, I don't understand it very...

  • Sophia 2023-06-14 12:47:22

    Piara has spent a whole life filming small emotions and turning around in life. At the end of the day, he finally came up with a big move. The Flower of St. Francis + Diary of a Country Priest, Depardieu Is Simply a Talented...

  • Letha 2023-05-11 23:16:52

    One of the explanations of "Satan" is "confrontation" with a negative connotation, and its essence is betrayal. Mushaet's "confrontation" at first was expressed as an active resistance to patriarchy. In the process of resistance (conversation with Genis) Gradually fell into "hiding" with negative connotations, and learned to "hide" in the threats to ministers, betrayal of justice and motherhood, and her surviving conscience made her cry, repent, and commit suicide, the source of which was to...

  • Al 2023-05-08 22:26:44

    Talking about religion and faith in movies, either with the help of stories or pictures, or to create an atmosphere, to have a dialogue through the lens, is it really more meaningful than the text form? Well, I suddenly feel that the advantages of "Stalker" are...

  • Angelita 2023-05-06 18:16:04

    7.9; Any result has nothing to do with me, I seek abundance, and nothingness engulfs me. I see my figure in the sun, sometimes far away and sometimes very close, I feel a force driving my steps, step by step like minions, like Satan's steps with...

  • Ola 2023-05-04 01:52:31

    So bullying! You can't even beat the stars! Now you can use "unconsciously aware" the most...

  • Micheal 2023-03-29 21:44:22

    Those who walk side by side with Satan must also be chosen by God. Redeeming others does not mean redeeming oneself. The only redemption is suffering in this world and waiting for the day to leave. There will be inexplicable expectations for the pale face and staring eyes of Father Donisan who died in the prayer room in the prayer room at the end. Maybe this is the best...

  • Velva 2023-03-15 05:39:56

    No wonder there are shadows of "Girl Muchet" and "Diary of a Country Priest". It turns out that both Bresson and Piara are adapting Bernanos'...

  • Kyra 2023-02-25 13:33:58

    This kind of work with a strong religious atmosphere has no resonance with me. If it is believed that there is no God, how can I look for miracles that are impossible at...

  • Rebeka 2023-02-24 19:09:04

    In the evening, together with my aunt, a cute girl, and two little brothers to protect this film, I can't even recognize Depardieu in the...

Extended Reading

Under the Sun of Satan quotes

  • Donissan: God is mocking me.

  • [first lines]

    Donissan: With you, everything looks easy. Alone, I'm useless. I'm like the zero, only useful next to other numbers. Priests are so miserable. They waste their lives seeing God being ignored. People make jokes on us. We're like those walls where people write obscenities.

    Menou-Segrais: You're tired.

    Donissan: Tired? I'm not tired. Tired is a bad thought.

    Menou-Segrais: Suspend your visits.

    Donissan: Those visits do more harm than good. In the beginning, I didn't know evil. I learned it from the mouths of the sinners.

    Menou-Segrais: No one knows better than a priest about the terrible monotony of sin.

    Donissan: I can't speak to them. I can't only make absolutions and feel sorry.

    Menou-Segrais: If one absolution in thirty was worthy, the world would be brief.