Uncommon Valor Comments

  • Flo 2023-02-03 23:08:21

    The film played by the teacher in the history class is very...

  • Sadye 2023-02-03 09:44:29

    Rating so low? Considering the age and cost, this film is quite powerful, and even the literary drama is not...

  • Jose 2023-02-01 18:24:56

    It must be a movie I watched more than ten years ago. A soldier's father rescued his missing son during the Vietnam War on his own. Even if it was officially banned, he still wanted to recruit a group of people to rescue his relatives with the automatic weapons of World War II. Believe, the people must have the force to save...

  • Oma 2023-01-03 13:03:03

    Reflections on the Vietnam...

  • Morgan 2022-10-23 16:51:28

    Really good, more realistic Vietnam War theme. Parents are really worried about their children, of course, except for those who are abnormal and abnormal. CCTV6, watching. Finally hope for world...

  • Robyn 2022-10-22 08:19:32

    A U.S. colonel who retired from the Korean War, in order to find his son who was captured and disappeared during the Vietnam War, has been running for many...

  • Queenie 2022-10-19 23:15:13

    After all, the films of the 1980s were so...

  • Kattie 2022-10-19 23:13:47

    I thought it was so pretty when I was a...

  • Mae 2022-10-19 22:21:31

    The 1983 film, the six sets started broadcasting at 22:00 on July 12, 2016. ....

  • Edwin 2022-10-19 20:57:27

    2016.07.12 CCTV6 check-in

Extended Reading

Uncommon Valor quotes

  • Col. Cal Rhodes: [Addressing the men, gathered at the Texas training camp] Gentlemen, thank you for coming. I knew you would come, 'cause you men have got what it takes. Molded over a little, but, uh, you've still got it.

    Col. Cal Rhodes: -

    [the men are silent as he continues]

    Col. Cal Rhodes: There's a bond between you men... as strong as the bond between my son and me. Of course, there's no bond as strong as that shared by men who have faced death in battle. You men seem to have a strong sense of loyalty, because you're thought of as criminals, because of Vietnam. You know why? Hmm? Because you lost. And in this country, that's like going bankrupt. You're out of business. They want to forget about you. You cost too much, and you didn't turn a profit.

    Col. Cal Rhodes: -


    Col. Cal Rhodes: That's why they won't go over there and pick up our buddies and bring 'em back home: because there's no gain in it. You and I know, that the books are still in the red. And the politicians know, too. The same politicians that never lost a single son in Viet Nam - not one.

    Col. Cal Rhodes: [continuing] Now, they say they've been negotiating for ten years. Well... the other side's not buying. And while the politicians sit on their asses, I'm going to ask you to lay yours on the line. Again. Because, gentlemen... we're the only hope those P.O.W.s have. So, we're going back there. And this time... this time, nobody can dispute the rightness of what we're doing!

  • Wilkes: [Demonstrating to the men how to do a lethal knife attack, using Johnson as his "victim"] You come in low under his line of sight. You leap... taking him down, placing your hand over his nose, pulling his face away from your knife hand.

    Wilkes: [points his knife at the back of the skull] At the base of his skull at the right of his spine - what the Chinese call the wind gate - you insert, scramble the brains... what you have is instant rag doll.