Uncommon Valor Comments

  • Arvid 2023-09-30 12:58:23

    I remember watching this movie in the army. I was serving in the army at the time. feels pretty good in...

  • Valentina 2023-09-12 08:02:41

    The grenades that sailors hang around their necks eventually come in handy...

  • Evangeline 2023-07-28 12:41:26

    The Vietnam War left American soldiers with deep pain that they do not want to recall. Colonel Rhode firmly believed that his son did not die in the Vietnam War and was still alive. He hoped that the official army would be sent to rescue him, but the official negotiated with the Vietnamese side several times. result. Under the last resort and unwilling, Rhodes was on the list to organize a small team to rescue in Vietnam. The prisoner of war camp in Vietnam is located in the mountains of...

  • Ladarius 2023-05-28 22:39:30

    Yes, temporarily store...

  • D'angelo 2023-05-04 16:49:22

    Gene Hackman's "The...

  • Guadalupe 2023-04-23 10:48:11

    CCTV National Distribution...

  • Major 2023-04-16 18:28:08

    The main theme of the veteran American version: do not abandon every...

  • Braeden 2023-04-05 12:31:06

    CCTV6 is clocking...

  • Stanford 2023-02-24 14:28:02

    An old film is not good, just like those in the 1980s with unclear pictures, no high-definition, no big names, no beautiful scenery, no beautiful women, and reflections on the Vietnam War, the plot is relatively compact, and the politicians are playing false, Only Vietnam War veterans play it real. Having said that, I lost the Vietnam War back then, and now I want to try to conjure a victory, just to save a son, but give away the lives of you and the other party, is it interesting? The biggest...

  • Spencer 2023-02-17 17:30:03

    The Vietnam Vanguard series should be influenced by this...

Extended Reading

Uncommon Valor quotes

  • Col. Cal Rhodes: [Addressing the men, gathered at the Texas training camp] Gentlemen, thank you for coming. I knew you would come, 'cause you men have got what it takes. Molded over a little, but, uh, you've still got it.

    Col. Cal Rhodes: -

    [the men are silent as he continues]

    Col. Cal Rhodes: There's a bond between you men... as strong as the bond between my son and me. Of course, there's no bond as strong as that shared by men who have faced death in battle. You men seem to have a strong sense of loyalty, because you're thought of as criminals, because of Vietnam. You know why? Hmm? Because you lost. And in this country, that's like going bankrupt. You're out of business. They want to forget about you. You cost too much, and you didn't turn a profit.

    Col. Cal Rhodes: -


    Col. Cal Rhodes: That's why they won't go over there and pick up our buddies and bring 'em back home: because there's no gain in it. You and I know, that the books are still in the red. And the politicians know, too. The same politicians that never lost a single son in Viet Nam - not one.

    Col. Cal Rhodes: [continuing] Now, they say they've been negotiating for ten years. Well... the other side's not buying. And while the politicians sit on their asses, I'm going to ask you to lay yours on the line. Again. Because, gentlemen... we're the only hope those P.O.W.s have. So, we're going back there. And this time... this time, nobody can dispute the rightness of what we're doing!

  • Wilkes: [Demonstrating to the men how to do a lethal knife attack, using Johnson as his "victim"] You come in low under his line of sight. You leap... taking him down, placing your hand over his nose, pulling his face away from your knife hand.

    Wilkes: [points his knife at the back of the skull] At the base of his skull at the right of his spine - what the Chinese call the wind gate - you insert, scramble the brains... what you have is instant rag doll.

Uncommon Valor

Director: Ted Kotcheff

Language: English Release date: December 16, 1983