Umberto D. Comments

  • Fabiola 2022-03-26 09:01:10

    Running to incite, the soundtrack is basically...

  • Geovanni 2022-03-26 09:01:10

    We live in a world where there is no communication, where all languages ​​are languages ​​of interest, and people meet and either talk about their interests or just make meaningless noises in order to politely get rid of each other. If you're a weakling (like an old man like Umberto), no one wants to talk to you. The essence of this phenomenon comes from people's lack of interest in others, and all enthusiasm is concentrated on the expansion of interests, or the expansion of...

  • Brionna 2022-03-26 09:01:10

    "The Children Are Watching Us" is a childhood tragedy, "The Shoe Shine Boy" is a youth tragedy, "The Bicycle Thief" is a middle-aged tragedy, and "Tears in the Wind" is a tragedy of old age, Desica is really 360 degrees care for the suffering people. Umberto is not poor, but a retired civil servant, but he also ended up with injuries, homelessness, and even mixed beds in the hospital to survive the week of retirement pay. The psychological portrayal of Umberto is still very realistic and...

  • Marilyne 2022-03-26 09:01:10

    A retired old man named Umberto was old and had no one to support. He couldn't support himself and his dog. Every day of his life was full of scorn and suffering. He decided to die with all kinds of worries and fears. The old people who have been used up and discarded by the times are really like wax residue in the wind, which is too cruel, and it is as uncomfortable as being scalded by hot oil drops. Using the unbearable experience of a typical character to reflect the darkness and...

  • Americo 2022-03-25 09:01:15

    Too many buns. Of course, although the previous screenwriter had some problems, but the last thirty minutes were well written, and I suddenly remembered the "Rosetta" by...

  • Ivory 2022-03-25 09:01:15

    8.6 A person's fall to the fringes of society begins with the loss of basic dignity. If we compare "Father" ("A Long Way to Find My Son") and "Tears in the Wind and Candle", what is the difference between searching for a child and a dog. Hope is too weak, like a spark that will be destroyed at any moment. The directors are mostly sober and benevolent, leading the ending to the waiting unknown. @Italian master exhibition big...

  • Monique 2022-03-25 09:01:15

    Aside from Desica's usual sense of morality, there's some Tati-esque comedy, and the maid-making coffee passage is a kind of Playtime. The money flows in the hands of people, no longer pointing to any commodity (a thrown glass), but back to the transmission itself. Perhaps the ancestor of Pickpocket and Money. The last group of children passed sideways, obscuring the old man and the dog, a sad...

  • Bettie 2022-03-25 09:01:15

    With the retreat of the characters and the plot, things that have nothing to do with the plot are always seen in the depth of field shots. In "The Wind and Candle Tears", it is often the time of inevitability of death, and the individual is determined by the fate of death (becoming stagnation). Curse, if he manages to give up his puppy in the film, it means that the moment of his death is also Umberto D's suicide. In the film, however, death forms a kind of Uncanny beneath its postponement, and...

  • Charlotte 2022-03-25 09:01:15

    Damn, I saw tears being squeezed dry in the great...

  • Marquise 2022-03-25 09:01:15

    It's not the so-called perfect poor old grandpa. It's rare to see the truth and sincerity in the movie. What moved me the most was the scene of hesitating whether to put down his dignity and begging. Poor understanding puppy...

Extended Reading

Umberto D. quotes

  • Umberto Domenico Ferrari: During the war she called me Grandpa. I gave her some meat from time to time. After the war she went crazy. She even hates my dog. If you saw my dog, you'd know it's impossible to hate him.

  • Umberto Domenico Ferrari: Listen, you need to leave as well. There are lots of jobs in Rome. Don't stay here.

    Maria, la servetta: She'll kick me out the minute she finds out I'm pregnant.

    Umberto Domenico Ferrari: Can't you go back to your hometown?

    Maria, la servetta: My father would beat me.