UFO Comments

  • Erika 2022-10-21 11:53:10

    It's really good to learn physical chemistry, and it's popular wherever you...

  • Rubye 2022-10-21 10:35:23

    The softest sci-fi movie I've ever...

Extended Reading

UFO quotes

  • Prologue: Hydrogen atoms emit light at specific energy levels. These energies are determined by the Fine-Structure Constant. Fine-Structure Constant = 0.0072973525664 17. The FSC is a mysterious number that appears in many calculations of the most fundamental physics in our universe but we have no idea where it comes from. The atmosphere, the stars, the air we breathe, even our shoelaces have an atomic makeup that include this enigmatic number. It is a mathematical concept that would be recognized anywhere in the universe. In 1974 Frank, Carl Sagan and several others scientists sent the Arecibo Message into space. It contained basic math and other information intented to establish contact with other life in the universe. They aimed at at the star cluster M13, and the world waited in anticipation for a response bit it would take 22,800 years for the message to reach someone in M13 unless they come to us first.

  • Lee: So, if this was a UFO, right? And there were aliens on it what do you think they would look like?

    Derek: You mean, do I think they're like little grey people with big black eyes?


Director: Ryan Eslinger

Language: English Release date: September 4, 2018