Tunnel Comments

  • Augusta 2023-07-15 03:50:03

    The dog is not dead...

  • Bert 2023-07-14 03:34:22

    Bae Doona is getting...

  • Sandrine 2023-07-04 12:41:25

    I thought the ending would be that the male protagonist who was abandoned after the rescue died in the aftermath of the explosion. Then, a few days later, the workers dug out the stones under the tunnel that the male protagonist used to record the date. Finally, the public found out that the whole country voted for the male protagonist to...

  • Nikita 2023-07-02 21:19:51

    The blunt heroism and unconvincing forced reversal, coupled with the too bland ending, was originally a masterpiece, but it was finally polished into a mediocre...

  • Federico 2023-06-23 18:37:56

    From September to November intermittently, it is almost as long as the protagonist is trapped in the tunnel, and it can be regarded as a rare viewing...

  • Summer 2023-06-20 09:50:52

    If you spend so much space to satirize the government, the media and the people, and you are not willing to lay out a desperate mentality, there is no need to labor Ha Zhengyu and Pei Doona. My river god is either crawling or lying down, and I have to force a female and a dog to play roles, but The rank of an actor is to lie in the dark without speaking, and his eyes can shoot dramatic conflicts. The first half is funny, the second half is black, and I am crazy about the male supporting Uncle...

  • Reid 2023-06-16 01:53:37

    Teacher Pei Douna didn't take off this time! Not used to...

  • Isai 2023-06-10 15:54:29

    After watching the trip to Busan, I didn't dare to drive, and I didn't dare to drive after watching the tunnel. Well, although it was copied 33 and absent from work, it was very ingenious. The government is black and beautiful. This movie was copied by China, but I dared not copy...

  • Rylee 2023-06-05 14:53:04

    Slightly disappointed, it is also Ha Zhengyu's personal show, which is far inferior to "Horror Live", or even "Buried Alive" with the theme. The forced addition of a female victim and a dog is meaningless, just to show "male, female, Animals are created equal" theme? Thanks to the old man who refueled, adding 60,000 won of oil to get 2 bottles of life-saving water; Korean films are still keen on the black government and the media, and spare no effort every time, as an outsider is a bit...

  • Felipe 2023-05-25 02:21:36

    Before rescuing people from a collapsed tunnel, it is necessary to wait for the city leaders to arrive. This is a real thing in China, and it was photographed by South Korea. I really can't watch enough of man-made disasters + social satires like South Korea. (Hong Kong translation of the name "Buried Alive for 35 Nights" is simple and...