Tuesdays with Morrie Comments

  • Dylan 2022-09-03 14:04:13

    16 years, don't you want to give me a hug? You finally came to see...

  • Kathryne 2022-09-03 08:51:59

    Sometimes death is very close to you. Every time I see Murray and Mickey together, tears keep falling. I am afraid that such a situation will happen to me, worrying about my family and friends. This is a film that will make you rethink your life. The focus of life is not to live for fame and fortune, but to live for your own...

  • Laila 2022-09-02 11:25:45

    "Death ends a life, not a relationship." is a movie that has not yet started in the Internet era of the last century. Today, it seems a little pedantic and didactic, but it cannot hide its sincerity. Jack Lemmon, who played Professor Murray, was amazing, and he died a year and a half after watching the actor profile film, which was like another autobiographical rendition. In the last part of the journey of life, everything is seen, and in the taste of life that is intertwined with joy and...

  • Rubie 2022-08-21 00:46:30

    Tears kept flowing, one was for Professor Morrie's farewell, and the other was thinking of the shortness of life, the deceased relatives, and so many regrets. What should we do? That is to face life and death, think about what I want in peace, be brave to be myself, express love and accept the love of my relatives; I will plan my life well and set some feasible goals; learn to appreciate others, and understand Appreciate yourself, be grateful for life, be grateful for everything, and deal with...

  • Rahul 2022-06-15 23:30:36

    I give this book a five out of five, but as a movie, the story is a bit like a running account, too preachy. . . Fortunately, the actor who played the old professor is very good and deserves a good look. ....

  • Zion 2022-06-15 21:51:06

    touch me. Life requires a little bit of dependence and knowing how to say goodbye...

  • Earl 2022-06-15 21:26:38

    We pile ourselves on jobs, money, ambitions, and never stop to ask ourselves: Is this what we want? This is the so-called conflict of opposites. Life is like a rubber band pulling you back and forth. One side is what you want, and the other side is what you must do. In the end, who wins? The answer is love. The greatest wealth of the elderly is experience. Getting old is not just a decline, but a kind of growth. When you learn how to face death, you will know how to face...

  • Angelo 2022-06-15 20:46:29

    Maybe we didn't have the chance to meet such a teacher or coach. But at least I have the chance to come across a movie or book that reminds us that once you learn how to die, you learn how to live. Death can end life, but it cannot break the connection between people. Under no circumstances should you be stingy with smiles or tears. String them together is your...

  • Thomas 2022-06-15 16:59:13

    Once you know that death is coming, you will live more awake and life will have more meaning. Without death, there is no real...

Extended Reading

Tuesdays with Morrie quotes

  • Sergio: [News reporters are asking him questions] How do you guys sleep at night?

    Mitch Albom: Most of them sleep with their wives.

  • Morrie Schwartz: Dying is just one thing to be sad about. Living unhappily, that's another matter.