Trouble with the Curve Comments

  • Alessandro 2022-04-22 07:01:40

    [Curve Problem] and [Moneyball] are two complementary and slightly contradictory concepts. One is to discover potential players by experience rather than relying solely on data, and the other is to use data to integrate the way to victory instead of blindly believing in talent. . It's a pity that this film is more about inspirational family relationships, and it is not closely connected with the game, so the usual sensational clichés are not so touching. But I can still see the old man starring...

  • Domenic 2022-04-22 07:01:40

    In the end, I was relieved to see that neither the director nor the screenwriter was...

  • Cheyanne 2022-04-22 07:01:40

    Apart from all kinds of guessed complex foreshadowing, this film is still quite good, anyway, I watched it very...

  • Adalberto 2022-04-22 07:01:40

    Not bad, the subject matter is rather...

  • Marlon 2022-04-21 09:02:50

    When I get older, I love watching chicken soup for the...

  • Marilie 2022-04-21 09:02:50

    I originally thought that this story was a counterattack against Moneyball-style data flow baseball, and I was looking forward to being passionate... It turned out to be an old-fashioned tender father-daughter movie. The older Dongmu is, the more suitable it is for this...

  • Mikel 2022-04-21 09:02:50

    1. The reverse side of the penalty shootout. 2. I am still very interested in scouting work, but there are too many happy endings like this, and it is really hard to say good things. 3. Besides, I don't know much about MLB, and the fun is halved. 4. Besides, since I watched Eastwood's speech to run for Romney, his goodwill towards this bad old man has...

  • Magnus 2022-04-21 09:02:50

    quite orthodox drama...

  • Henderson 2022-04-21 09:02:50

    Baseball is a metaphor for dramatic life, and the subject is very...

  • Melody 2022-04-21 09:02:50

    The plot is a little too contrived in places...good thing it's all about Eastwood. PS: Sure enough, the same sentence, Americans only understand business, not...

Extended Reading

Trouble with the Curve quotes

  • Gus: You don't know anything about scouting.

    Johnny: Don't tell them that.

  • Gus: You shouldn't be in a place like this.

    Mickey: You used to sneak me into places worse than this.