Trouble Don't Last Always Comments

  • Duane 2023-03-03 03:00:30

    American teenagers are literally, like, literally, like, basically speechless. Sorry, as a non-drug, non-smoking, and non-drinking person, Lei Fu gets up at 5:40 every day for a run, and insists on exercising every day. Before the age of 30, he became an overseas executive from Gaofan, and he still has a group of friends who can come to him anytime, anywhere. Young people who are positive, motivated, motivated (forget it), this decadent life seems to me to be fussing and fussing. It's not that...

  • Alex 2023-02-22 05:52:46

    troubles don't last...

  • Rosalia 2023-02-11 02:33:43

    Received a high-quality psychotherapy for...

  • Nels 2023-02-03 14:28:41

    It feels like a French...

  • Kristy 2023-01-14 01:06:27

    Full marks for music, full marks for lines. Originally, you would have thought that you could pull two episodes with just such rambles? As a result, it was literally finished without knowing it. Still unfinished. The unique pain of youth, the pain is so...

  • Burdette 2023-01-13 23:39:01

    Such a simple dialogue can better reflect the level of a...

  • Shyanne 2023-01-06 16:48:45

    How much drama do you want during the epidemic? Do you want all the cast members to appear? It's good to give you the whole special episode. What bike do you want? This episode is my spiritual food in the...

  • Krystal 2023-01-04 14:31:20

    The lines that are almost as large as a monologue are probably the characteristics of the new crown drama. As a transitional episode, it is still crucial for the screenwriter to choose this way to show rue's heart, otherwise the relationship between the rules in the second season will be difficult to break...

  • Neoma 2022-12-25 09:19:53

    The deepest impression was that Rue lay in bed for two days and held himself out of uremia. I totally understand this feeling. Resistance becomes a melancholic instinct. Resist everything. Resist getting out of bed, resist thinking, and resist action. Resist breathing, resist living, and resist suicide and death. Resist pleasure as well as pain, resist feeling. So lying in bed watching meaningless TV shows and never getting up is the only way to "minimize resistance". Many times I myself do not...

  • Payton 2022-12-03 18:29:19

    01 The depth and core of watching a drama still depends on how the script and the dialogue of the characters use an episode to prove that "we are not just shooting teenagers who are sexually poisoned and love their brains." The first season of "excitement" was written among the characters this time. Let the "excitement" be isolated by a Christmas Eve cafe and the two generations outside the play face the collision of ideas in this mixed environment. We need more such cross-reverberation...

Extended Reading

Trouble Don't Last Always quotes

  • Rue Bennett: Yeah. Mm-hmm. And, like, finding an emotional balance, you know?

    Ali: You just said you found an amazing balance.

    Rue Bennett: I... I did. I have. I... I mean, but I'm not perfect, you know, so... I'm, I'm sane, though. Like, I'm sane. Saner. I'm making sane decisions.

    Ali: Rue. You're high.

    Rue Bennett: [chuckles] I feel like you're not listening to what I'm saying.

    Ali: Rue, I don't think you're listening to what you're saying.

    Rue Bennett: I feel like that's physically impossible.

    Ali: To what? Talk some bullshit?

    Rue Bennett: [Rue scoffs] Huh. You know, that's what, like... I... I don't understand about the world. 'Cause, like, there is tons of people who, you know, drink and do drugs, and sometimes their life is good. And sometimes, life's just bad, you know? It's fucking life. There's ups and downs to this shit, but, I mean, whether you believe me or not, I'm, like, I'm good.

    Ali: Yeah, yeah, you said that.

    Rue Bennett: Yeah, I mean, it's not like I'm doing a bunch of shit. I'm just smoking a little bit of weed, and taking some pills that were prescribed to me.

    Ali: My point is, it's not gonna last.

    Rue Bennett: Yeah, well, neither do my moods when I'm sober.

    Ali: Okay, well, you know, I'm not saying you're, um, a paragon of mental health. You've got your issues, and you're gonna be struggling with those issues for the rest of your life. That's a fact. The problem is, is that you look at sobriety as a weakness in the face of those issues, and what I'm saying is, sobriety is your greatest weapon.

  • Ali: Uh, Rue, I'm not a guidance counselor. I'm just a crackhead who's trying to do a little good on this Earth before I die.

    [both laugh]

    Rue Bennett: Uh, you're, you're a trip, man.