Trouble Don't Last Always Comments

  • Eileen 2023-07-14 04:23:44

    EP1: ...when you first take drugs, it triggers something in your brain that you can't control. It's not a matter of willpower, it's not about how strong you are. You've been fighting a losing battle since your first day on drugs, so you can ruin your life, you can be rude to your sister, you can abuse your mother for granted, you can sit here looking me in the eyes, and you can He said to me calmly and grimly, "I'm still on drugs". That's the disease of addiction, it's a degenerative disease,...

  • Eveline 2023-07-11 07:01:14

    Talking about life in astonishing detail, zooming in on all the moments, is there any self that can withstand such a flood? Not to mention drugs. Is this what people have to face today? Both actors are...

  • Enid 2023-06-24 14:07:07

    It's like having a therapy session for free...

  • Pablo 2023-06-19 09:46:13

    An episode of consecration. Sensitive, introspective, and a creator who lives in the moment. Rue's slightly curled mouth and decorative language have made her the totem of today's...

  • Lottie 2023-06-11 07:08:24

    Harvest 120 minutes of free...

  • Alberto 2023-06-03 07:05:04

    better than the...

  • Bryce 2023-05-25 21:12:30

    In the end, the two reconciled, and the literary and opera skills still owe a little, but using old tricks to make up is actually...

  • Rozella 2023-05-24 09:17:40

    As a transition between the first and second seasons, it perfectly interprets the two themes of the new crown special chapter "virus", Rue is a poison, and Jules is a disease. After putting away the audio-visual edge, it focuses a lot on the self-analysis of the two protagonists. Large sections of dialogues and monologues enrich the thickness of the characters outside the original series. Jules' montage of sexual fantasies in episode 2 is so well...

  • Lindsay 2023-05-21 13:17:07

    I read all the 60 minutes of broken thoughts. It's so good. I feel that the screenwriters are a group of very warm and powerful adults. They give confused young people some experience from people who have come before and don't need to preach. I feel that I am also being...

  • Rubye 2023-05-20 11:34:24

    The first episode was...

Extended Reading

Trouble Don't Last Always quotes

  • Rue Bennett: Yeah. Mm-hmm. And, like, finding an emotional balance, you know?

    Ali: You just said you found an amazing balance.

    Rue Bennett: I... I did. I have. I... I mean, but I'm not perfect, you know, so... I'm, I'm sane, though. Like, I'm sane. Saner. I'm making sane decisions.

    Ali: Rue. You're high.

    Rue Bennett: [chuckles] I feel like you're not listening to what I'm saying.

    Ali: Rue, I don't think you're listening to what you're saying.

    Rue Bennett: I feel like that's physically impossible.

    Ali: To what? Talk some bullshit?

    Rue Bennett: [Rue scoffs] Huh. You know, that's what, like... I... I don't understand about the world. 'Cause, like, there is tons of people who, you know, drink and do drugs, and sometimes their life is good. And sometimes, life's just bad, you know? It's fucking life. There's ups and downs to this shit, but, I mean, whether you believe me or not, I'm, like, I'm good.

    Ali: Yeah, yeah, you said that.

    Rue Bennett: Yeah, I mean, it's not like I'm doing a bunch of shit. I'm just smoking a little bit of weed, and taking some pills that were prescribed to me.

    Ali: My point is, it's not gonna last.

    Rue Bennett: Yeah, well, neither do my moods when I'm sober.

    Ali: Okay, well, you know, I'm not saying you're, um, a paragon of mental health. You've got your issues, and you're gonna be struggling with those issues for the rest of your life. That's a fact. The problem is, is that you look at sobriety as a weakness in the face of those issues, and what I'm saying is, sobriety is your greatest weapon.

  • Ali: Uh, Rue, I'm not a guidance counselor. I'm just a crackhead who's trying to do a little good on this Earth before I die.

    [both laugh]

    Rue Bennett: Uh, you're, you're a trip, man.