Tragedy Girls Comments

  • Angelo 2022-06-30 19:14:55

    The annual horror comedy, with the author's style and anti-routine style, is flying. The girls carried out the killing to the end, used nonsensical plasma to create "Sunshine Sisters Tao", and the ending of rushing to kill was very satisfying~~~~ (I found that the two female protagonists are both playing X-Men, one is the "Deadpool" black queen and the other is "Deadpool" "Apocalypse"'s Storm, handsome and...

  • Mona 2022-06-30 17:42:55

    It's a big improvement compared to the director's previous work! However, although it seems evil to be anti-chicken soup in the end, in fact, this is still a bowl of chicken soup for youth... It looks fresh, but the core is still the same set of "be loyal to yourself, love what you love, and don't change for the world", although half added in front The sentence "Even if you are Bitchi, a bad guy or a natural born killer, it's fine". There are still many stalks, Death is coming, Halloween, the...

  • Andreanne 2022-06-30 17:13:42

    This film is an anti-routine tribute to the horror classic school version of the end of the road, which tells you what it means to be a real sister tearing X with bloody living examples. When I was young, I knew why I was more rubbish! Also, where to go to like, the tragic girl with...

  • Bethany 2022-06-30 16:35:00

    Jike Junyi speaks English really...

Extended Reading

Tragedy Girls quotes

  • Sadie Cunningham: To make an omelette, you have to kill some ex-boyfriends.

  • Sadie Cunningham: Death is an inevitable part of life.

    McKayla Hooper: Yeah, we have to like, treasure the time that we have or whatever.