Tootsie Comments

  • Lilla 2022-12-05 05:51:41

    Out-of-work male actors play women by accident, but the post-transgender version of "Orthodox" has been a big hit, telling a "how we're a woman today" story for all soap opera audiences, especially women. The repeated ridicule of soap operas and feminism is actually more worth watching...

  • Micaela 2022-11-24 12:17:50

    Except DH himself is more exciting, the others are mediocre. Female No. 2 has a nice set of...

  • Bennie 2022-11-23 19:42:09

    It's much better when men are with women as women than when they are with women as men. Dorothy is so endearing, Jessica Lange was so beautiful when she was...

  • Randall 2022-11-05 08:40:32

    It's much better than the book of "Enthusiasm", and I always understand myself better when I play other people. Hoffman is really a god-like acting, Jessica Lange is really beautiful when he was young. I have a good grasp of all aspects, and the director’s own cameo role is also very...

  • Liana 2022-10-27 19:51:47

    The actor's autonomy is discussed at the beginning: "you may be high on 'but', you may be high on 'and'". This is, of course, a "speak for women" movie, reflecting the gender politics and the daily life of actresses (female protagonists) entering the 1980s showbiz. Unlike other male characters who have a clear stand, Michael does not have any views for or against equal rights. On the contrary, he reacts physically after transgender (acting) and finds that such a situation is unbearable. Several...

  • Laurine 2022-10-17 05:02:15

    In terms of the feminist movement, the film has a distinctive era color, and it is equally profound in terms of gender relations, daytime soap operas, dramas and performances. It is not just a comedy romance, it shows the group portrait of a certain group of people in an era. Dustin Hoffman’s methodological acting is as if Meryl Streep is possessed, putting a lot of effort into some subtle details such as lines or performances....

  • Chaya 2022-10-15 22:01:10

    An exploration of the actor's living conditions, as well as an exploration of more complex gender relations. Still a good story, Dustin Hoffman still has the most chemistry with director Pollack...

  • Jordi 2022-10-10 14:29:01

    Although most of the feminist lines in the film are uttered by "men", the degree of initiation is no less than that of "The End of the Wild Flower". After all, Dorothy lived in the...

  • Michelle 2022-10-10 05:00:35

    The main characters are actors, acting directors, screenwriters, agents, directors, and producers. This is an insider's story shot by an insider. Pollack and Hoffman teamed up to make this light comedy of men disguising as women, which was so...

  • Zane 2022-10-05 04:27:43

    8. Dustin Hoffman’s film alone, but apart from Hoffman’s point, the gap in other aspects is quite obvious from that of "Like...

Extended Reading

Tootsie quotes

  • Sandy: I'm going to feel this way until I don't feel this way anymore.

  • Dorothy Michaels: Thank you, Gordon. Well, I cannot tell you all how deeply moved I am. I never in my wildest dreams imagined that I would be the object of so much genuine affection. It makes it all the more difficult for me to say what I'm now going to say. Yes. I do feel it's time to set the record straight. You see, I didn't come here just as an administrator, Dr. Brewster; I came to this hospital to settle an old score. Now you all know that my father was a brilliant man; he built this hospital. What you don't know is that to his family, he was an unmerciful tyrant - a absolute dodo bird. He drove my mother, his wife, to - to drink; in fact, she - uh, she she she went riding one time and lost all her teeth. The son Edward became a recluse, and the oldest daughter - the pretty one, the charming one - became pregnant when she was fifteen years old and was driven out of the house. In fact, she was so terrified that she would, uh, that, uh, that, that, that the baby daughter would bear the stigma of illegitimacy that she, she - she decided to change her name and she contracted a disfiguring disease... after moving to Tangiers, which is where she raised the, the, the little girl as her sister. But her one ambition in life - besides the child's happiness - was to become a nurse, so she returned to the States and joined the staff right here at Southwest General. Well, she worked here, she knew she had to speak out wherever she saw injustice and inhumanity. God save us, you do understand that, don't you, Dr. Brewster?

    John Van Horne: I never laid a hand on her.

    Dorothy Michaels: Yes, you did. And she was shunned by all you nurses, too... and by a, what do you call it, what do you call it, a - something like a pariah, to you doctors who found her idealistic and reckless. But she was deeply, deeply, deeply, deeply, deeply, deeply loved by her brother. It was this brother who, on the day of her death, swore to the good Lord above that he would follow in her footsteps, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, just, just, just, just, just, just, just, just, just, just owe it all up to her. But on her terms. As a woman. And just as proud to be a woman as she ever was. For I am not Emily Kimberly, the daughter of Dwayne and Alma Kimberly. No, I'm not. I'm Edward Kimberly, the recluse brother of my sister Anthea. Edward Kimberly, who has finally vindicated his sister's good name. I am Edward Kimberly. Edward Kimberly. And I'm not mentally ill, but proud, and lucky, and strong enough to be the woman that was the best part of my manhood. The best part of myself.