Tommy Comments

  • Luisa 2023-04-09 17:00:30

    Reflecting on the times on the fly, idiots are not insane. 7 years earlier than The Wall. Oliver Reed is a bit like Javier...

  • Jannie 2023-04-05 06:29:32

    I watched it yesterday and marked it on my computer. Editing textbooks, affecting the rock epic of "The Wall", due to the relatively complete story and cult-like dynamic images (Ken Russell's specialty), this film does not have the radical, anti-war, and emptiness of young people in "The Wall". It doesn't go into depth, it's more like a very distinctive biopic (from this point of view, it is better than "The Gate" in terms of the efficiency of image...

  • Antwon 2023-03-28 23:42:14

    And the wall of fans is really not in the same segment. The plot is too weak and ineffective. The character performances and the rock musical-style dialogue are too stupid. Too much force and no relaxation; it's just that some scenes are more interesting, such as the Virgin Marilyn and the Gypsy Acid Queen. The iron maiden, the queen of England loves to eat pacman's ad...

  • Annalise 2023-03-04 04:17:47

    Be sure to listen to the album first and then watch the movie, and leave your imagination to yourself first. Pete originally planned to arrange him to be congenitally blind and deaf. He could only perceive the world by his senses. Finally, he heard his mother's call "Tommy~", and I liked this arrangement even more. Tommy is the protagonist, but the things around him occupy a greater proportion. We do not feel Tommy's empty world, maybe because it is difficult to express through pictures (or...

  • Marcos 2023-01-27 08:27:13

    In fact, it can be arranged like All that Jazz, why do performance art like...

  • Daphnee 2023-01-22 13:07:58

    This is the first movie I watched without subtitles. Fortunately, I listened to Tommy's full album before watching it, and there were basically no major obstacles to watching it. The deepest impression after watching it: ljdc is so handsome! I love his blue eyes so much, I really understand what baby blue is? And the acting is generally good, there is basically nothing too dramatic (of course, it may be that I only appreciate handsome guys _(:з"∠)_ movies There is nothing special about it. The...

  • Gillian 2022-12-22 23:26:19

    But I always think about that timmy in South...

  • Turner 2022-12-03 09:25:37

    It's so cool, please don't compare it to a wall, it's not the same thing at...

  • Enola 2022-11-13 11:45:15

    Didn't resonate deeply with the film, but still felt some...

  • Kirsten 2022-10-31 14:48:18

    Adapted from rock opera, the rock MV is full of hilarity, and there are more elements of catharsis. Only you can heal yourself, and rock music can't save...

Extended Reading

Tommy quotes

  • Nora Walker Hobbs: Do you think it's alright / To leave the boy with Uncle Ernie? / Do you think it's alright? / He's had a few too many tonight / Do you think it's alright?

    Frank Hobbs: Yes, I think it's alright / Yes, I think it's alright

  • Frank Hobbs: london moscow the world a tommy camp in every city what they want aint cheap its a pity but who am i to ruin there dreams?