Thunderpants Comments

  • Tre 2023-01-09 00:37:40

    I actually watched such a cult movie when I was a...

  • Clifton 2022-12-31 06:35:48

    Flavorful movie. Fart...

  • Vicenta 2022-12-27 04:13:48

    The screenwriter is a fucking...

  • Fiona 2022-11-07 19:36:31

    Our family Ron has been acting since he was a...

  • Orrin 2022-10-08 23:23:42

    Looks like it was seen on Pearl TV before. The color scheme is okay...the plot is nothing, and the chicken soup is also...not poke my point at the...

  • Krista 2022-10-08 20:25:09

    Don't laugh at others because of their physical...

  • Myrl 2022-10-08 17:39:30

    everybody is good for something. But not everyone can meet his glasses...

  • Kaya 2022-10-08 16:29:02

    On the day of watching this movie on TV, you called me and said that there was Ron. I just watched it!...

  • Leanna 2022-10-08 15:40:13

    Suddenly remembered this wonderful...

Extended Reading

Thunderpants quotes

  • Music School Student: [Only line] Until now, sir!

  • Gen. Ed Sheppard: You've got a heart of gold. You've got the constitution of an ox. And you've got pants... of thunder.