Thunder Force Comments

  • Lizeth 2023-02-08 13:39:08

    I can't think of the director and sister Mei's family... Actually, I want to see more reversals, but there is no? The plot is quite embarrassing... I don't have the tension to think that there is aunt...

  • Dustin 2023-02-04 03:21:13

    Rotten to laugh, too rotten. Simply...

  • Zackary 2023-01-30 08:42:49

    Disgusting, full of nonsense, boring and stupid, a complete disaster. Once Melissa McCarthy works with her husband, the rate of bad films is 100%. Octavia Spence, Jason Bateman, Melissa Leo are all good actors, and they are all very annoying in the...

  • Jaiden 2023-01-17 11:31:25

    Too much nonsense, not enough...

  • Colten 2023-01-15 11:53:08

    How should I put it, what could have been a better positive energy (girl power, black power, fat power) action comedy turned out to be a group of adults pretending to be crazy and selling fools and pretending to be a family-style fight, which is second grade than teenage stunt dramas. The only really funny place is Jason Bateman, the crab claw man. Melissa's acting was ok, but wasted a good...

  • Leone 2023-01-14 21:20:37

    The subject of an all-female superhero can be so boring and childish, Melissa's husband really can't help...

  • Alexandrine 2023-01-12 20:32:00

    5.5 points. What was this shot? ? ? Where did Melissa McCarthy's aura go? Octavia Spencer, you won an Oscar? What are you doing here? . . If there is no story in the story, if there is no picture in the picture, and if the effect is not in effect, there is simply nothing to watch. The super-sized heroine saves the world, still black and white, and a little LGBT, well, political correctness is full. ....

  • Scot 2023-01-08 01:38:12

    Can't Melissa McCarthy and her husband be the man behind a successful woman? McCarthy took his husband wherever he went, standing for him everywhere, but it was a pity that the mud couldn't support the...

  • Garfield 2022-12-28 06:01:38

    You can feel that the main creator really doesn't want to make a good movie at...

  • Ora 2022-11-15 18:53:44

    I just wanted to ask what Melissa McCarthy, Octavia Spencer, and Jason Bateman did, and how much money did they owe for this film?...

Extended Reading

Thunder Force quotes

  • Young Lydia: So your parents were both lady part doctors?

    Young Emily: No, that's a gynecologist, my parents were geneticists.

  • Lydia Berman: You know, killing people's not a recognized hobby!

    Laser: I can't knit.