Those People Comments

  • Alexys 2022-09-08 13:59:22

    Those people, those friendships, even if they're not appreciated by others, are what Charlie values ​​most. The retro and slightly dramatic presentation form, the indistinguishable love between the three people, enriches the plot of the film and makes the film's feelings easier to remember. I believe deep down, Charlie still loves Sebastian, and because of that, he's wandering between choices. But maybe their friendship is more precious than the unspeakable love between them. The secret love...

  • Carrie 2022-09-07 17:45:38

    What is the ending!...

  • Jillian 2022-09-05 20:20:10

    Worry about gain and loss, afraid that years of friendship will be destroyed in one fell swoop. This is the biggest hurdle in turning a friend into a partner. Young Tamed Ran mostly died here...

  • Guy 2022-08-24 21:15:33

    The basic version of the small era? Even if Youyan is so tearing, he can't stand it. Sebastian made a cameo appearance with Joe's ex-boyfriend in "Looking for" S1E1, and he thought it was good at the time. Wearing sunglasses is a bit like Ben Meow. At the end of the toast, what I thought was "Sisters of the era, never dividing family"...

  • Janice 2022-08-24 20:33:43

    The plot is terrible, and the setting is relatively novel-a glimpse of the upper-class life in New York where the fire is cooking oil and the building will be poured into. When you grow up, you always have to be separated. Why don't you toast to each...

  • Durward 2022-08-24 19:44:30

    Too much. Libra and Sagittarius make blood stories together, and the performances of the two protagonists are also overstretched and...

  • Aidan 2022-08-24 18:07:53

    Add one star for the sake of being a gay movie. There is a beautiful face, but there is no good script and director. It is a pity to shoot for life to become a gimmick. The photography is still good, it’s just that I’m too obsessed with retro to make people think of "Little Times", but at least there are Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan. Lebanese handsome uncle gets extra points and extra points. Extra points for Arab Jewish...

  • Horace 2022-08-24 17:55:43

    The piano attack said that everyone has one in their heart, a Sebastian. The small offense is sensitive and fragile, like an injured...

Extended Reading

Those People quotes

  • Sebastian: The thing is, I was wrong about you. You don't just face our good sides. No... You stare right at our one eye, and you find the beauty in it anyway. Thank you for always seeing the best in people, even when they can't see it themselves.