The Wretched Comments

  • Yasmeen 2023-09-27 21:29:26

    The reversal of Forgotten Brother is more colorful, the whole structure and rhythm are too unbalanced, the climax is almost a firework, it is fleeting? The atmosphere and rhythm of the front is not like a horror film at...

  • Leonard 2023-09-26 16:24:16

    Western horror films full of oriental colors, a hodgepodge of ghosts, zombies, and demons. It is not easy to express the abstract concept of "posessed" so intuitively. Death is to be forgotten, and people are already indifferent before being taken up by ghosts. Perhaps the so-called demons here represent a higher-dimensional creature, and we humans are pieces of clothing. However, the clothes have a shelf life, and they wear out (gradually decay like a zombie), and they are disposable. The...

  • Kurt 2023-09-26 13:49:26

    American print skin?...

  • Obie 2023-09-23 19:25:30

    Very traditional horror template that reminds me of my high school movie viewing...

  • Kaya 2023-09-14 15:16:14

    Produced by IFC Midnight, it was a rare low-budget horror film that won the box office with hundreds of thousands of dollars for several weeks during the epidemic. There were few scaring scenes, and there was basically no jump scare on the computer, but it was still quite orthodox in terms of narrative, barely 6...

  • Bud 2023-09-11 04:11:03

    Goosebumps-style children's horror story, R-rated version (the main character also happens to be 17). To a certain extent, it is better than the new version of "The Clown's Soul", but the second half of the reversal is not handled well...

  • Arielle 2023-09-03 23:57:50

    The American version of the tree spirit painted the skin and checked "The dark mother". There is no relevant content. It should be a fictitious creature. The degree of completion of the film is online, it is clear, the actors are not disgusting, and it reflects the topic of "family + forgetting", I have a good foot. This is not a purely scary movie, it is not suitable for those looking for a stimulus...

  • Dwight 2023-08-19 13:44:19

    It's not bad. I watched the three-and-a-half-star movie at the end and decided to add a half-star setting. It's more interesting. It's the story of the underground branches wrapping around the child. I've seen one of them called the hole in the ground in other movies, or it's another similar name. In a European movie, the mother saves her son at the end. There are also similar scenes in Stranger Things, I can't remember...

  • Augustus 2023-08-14 18:30:48

    The Internet really knows everything! So hateful! If there is no Internet, the editor and director only need to arrange for the prophets in the village or the classics to write these...

  • Brandi 2023-08-13 05:49:51

    Dryads don't have any new...